Chapter 18

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Alex POV

I ran behind Harry and Niall into the house. As I reached there I heard a door slam. Niall.

"Niall! Niall! Let me in!" Harry said banging on the door.

After a couple more bangs the door opened and Harry went in. I thought it was best that I won't go in.

I sat on the sofa, waiting for either one of the guys to come out. Harry came out first, he descended the stairs.

"Harry! Harry, how is Niall?" I asked him.

"What has he ever done to you?" he asked his eyes red with sadness and anger.

"Wh-What did I do?"

"You were the one who took responsibility for Remi, right?"

"Y-Yes but I didn't know she would turn out l-like that," I stammered.

"Just shut up okay! Niall is like my brother! Do you have any idea what had happened to him? He is broken god dammit!"

"It wasn't m-my fault," I said tears streaming down my face, "Niall is like my brother too."

"Wrong," he said, "you used him. In fact, you used me. You always liked Niall, I was just a toy right? And when you realized you couldn't have him, you set him up with your whore of a friend and broke his heart."

"I would never do that to him, or to you. I-I love you,"

"Stop lying to me! I've heard enough! It's my fault for loving you, for trusting you. We're done," he said going upstairs again.

I broke down and stated crying out very loud. I didn't know what to do anymore. Harry doesn't believe me. He broke up with me...

I went to my room and got my bag, the one I had when I first came here, and took out my old cell. It had my aunts number in it. I dialed it from the landline.

"H-Hello? Aunt Josephine?"

"Yes? Who's this?" she asked from the other end.

"It's Alex, your niece," I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Oh hello Alex, sorry I wasn't available when you called from the airport. Can I help you in any way now?"

"Yes, um..I was wondering if I could come over to stay for the last three days I'm here."

"Yes, sure, when are you coming?"

"Right now."

I took my belongings, and by belongings I meant the things I had when I first came here. I won't be taking any of the stuff I got here. Like the iPhone, or even the dress...

I went downstairs, and saw no one was there. They were still at the party, I guessed, and headed outside.

When I stepped out and started to walk on the busy street, I took my iPod out of my bag and started untangling my headphones. I put them in, and turned the volume up.

I called for a cab, and gave him the address my aunt gave me. The cab started to carry me away. I looked out side onto the street and watched as the cars and my tears passed by.

I reached my aunts home in about an hour.

"Aunt J!" I said as she came to embrace me in a hug. I started crying on her blouse. She guided me in.

I wasn't really close to my aunt but, she was my only loved one there, my BFF and BF had ditched me.

I told my aunt the whole story from the airport to the pool party, as I cried everything out. She patted my head, hugged me and said-

"Aw darling, life sometimes ain't fair. Sometimes the ones you love leave you. Just wait, honey, just wait. It will get better,"

I went in the guest room to get freshened up. The was a docking station in there, so I decided to plug my iPod in and listen to Harry sing. I searched up all of his songs on YouTube and started playing them. His voice was the only part of him that was left with me.


Sorry for another Alex POV but...I hope ou guys are enjoying this! ...and I really don't know what else to good-bye! so awkward...:P

Your comments inspire me to write more! Thanks for commenting and voting and fanning and all the other things you guys do!! XD

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