Chapter 7

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Authors note:- 

Hey people of earth! I've started writing another fanfic. It's called Oh My Nandos. Cool name, huh? Anywho, I would really love it if you guys could also read that, maybe? If you do, that would bring me greeeaaattt happiness! haha. Sorry, this is gonna be a short chapter, I'll write a longer chapter after this to make up!(: x


 Alex - POV

I woke up the next morning in hopes that the whole Harry Styles issue was just a dream. I looked around, and found his sweatshirt on me so it wasn't a dream. This was really happening.

I turned to the side table and fished my new iPhone out of all the mess on it, mostly my new clothes. It was 11 in the morning. I decided to ring up Remi. I hadn't talked to her in days-

"Hey Remi! How are you? Where are you these days?" I said. "Oh, by the way this is Alex."

"Alex! Where the hell are you gurl? I'm at Kissimmee, at my moms. I tried calling your cell at least a hundred times. I thought you were dead or something," she said.

"Nope, worse. I'm at Harry Styles' house in Miami," I sighed, "long story."

"Shut up! You mean the Harry Styles from One Direction? That super, super hot band?"

I nodded, then I realized she can't see me so I said, "Yeah."

"Girl, you hit the jackpot! Introduce me!"

"Yes! Why don't you come over here? I'll ask Niall if you could come and stay over. How does that sound?" I liked the idea of coming over here, at least I'll have some more company. "I'll text you later, k?"

"OMG! You've met Niall? He's my personal favorite! Okie! Text me!"

We hung up. I headed downstairs, it seemed like no one was up. I went to the kitchen. It was basically empty, except for junk food and drinks. I opened the fridge, and thankfully, there were some eggs, and I found some bread in the cabinet. I decided to make everyone breakfast. I started making French toast.

"Good morning, love," a heavy voice said.

I turned around and saw Niall standing behind me, " Hey. Good morning,"

"I just smelt something really good and couldn't help myself. Whatcha making?" he asked.

"Just plain old French toast. I'm making some for everyone," I said as Niall helped himself with some toast I had already made.

"Wow! This tastes even better than anything I've ever eaten. It's even better than McDonald's!"

I laughed, "Aw gee, thanks Nialler!" and probably blushed a little.

Niall helped me setup the table, and at about 12:30 everyone started to get up. Liam and Danielle, followed by Eleanor dragging Louis behind her. Harry appeared from the top of the stairs. Zayn was nowhere to be seen.

On asking Niall about Zayn, he said, "Yeah, he takes his own time. Better not disturb him. Gets moody real fast."

"What smells so good?" Louis asked.

"It's Alex's French toast," Niall replied.

"We better eat it fast. Before Niall finishes it all," Harry joked. He seemed in a better mood today. He came downstairs in his sweats, shirtless, and his hair was all out of place. He looked...different. He looked...nice.

I stopped staring at Harry, before he catches me staring at him again. Why was I looking at him all the time? Thankfully, he didn't catch me eye, but someone else did.

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