" I didn't know you were working again today."

" Yeah, unfortunately I am." She shrugged once explaining to me that they needed her to fill in for some sick co-worker today. " You know, you should go to Barbra's with Lyssa, I don't want you to be bored alone in here all day."

I nodded although I had plans of going there anyway. It was a normal routine for me to go there after choir rehearsals and since it was canceled– I definitely had to be there. I'm surprised she didn't catch on by now.

" Oh I almost forgot why I came in here...Dorthy decided she's cooking Sunday dinner tomorrow and of course we're invited so tell them I don't wanna hear no lip about it." She said earning an internal groan from me as the back of my head hit my wooden bed board.

God, I ask you to please guide me as I walk through the valley of death...

Aunt Dorthy and cooking dinner in the same sentence should be a crime. I mean honestly. I didn't understand why she couldn't just break it to her, we shouldn't have to suffer.

" Look..." She thought. "I'll make your father bring Chinese food after okay...lots of it. Just cooperate and keep a smile on your face."

" Ma, I never not cooperate–now Junior on the other hand, he's the problem. He gagged at least seven times last time when she cooked that–"

" Pot roast I know."

" Wait...that was supposed to be Pot roast? " I gasped in disgust earning laughter from her as she stood, announcing through her laughter that she had to leave.


Laughter erupted from the girls and I as we sat cooped inside the salon, reminiscing about last night. Barbra's was always empty in the morning during the first hour of opening. It was the perfect time for us to sit and talk about any and everything.

Barbra had given Alyssa the duty of opening up the place—since all the other workers had specific days they worked at the salon.

I currently sat in Alyssa's chair as she curled my hair once again, and Valentina just laid near us across three waiting chairs as she flipped through a hair magazine, popping her gum in the process. " Aye Marco's party can't hold a candle to that shit last night." Valentina clapped throughout her laughter as Alyssa and I nodded.

For some reason, I felt a sense of relief in me, as if I was proud of myself for going. For the first time I felt no guilt inside me.

Last night...I was free.

" And since we all agree, I was thinking. Who down to go again, ey?" She smirked deviously towards us.

" Okay Tina now you're pushing it." I heard Alyssa blurt from behind me and without thinking I butted in.

" I'm down." I blurted and suddenly the heat from the irons merely burnt my scalp earning a loud outburst from the both of us.

" Delilah!"

" Alyssa! " I spat back, leaning as far away from her and the flat irons as possible.

" You down? As in down in the dumps because I know damn well you ain't tryna go back there. Remember all those complaints you was making?" Alyssa stated as I twisted my lips. " What makes you wanna go back off all of a sudden?"

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