Chapter 5: An Alliance?

Start from the beginning

"It's just something that I can do, it feels completely natural. I can speak to multiple people at one and no I can't connect minds, yet," Annalise says smiling.

"Okay, now you can ask me questions if you have any," Kiara says.

"Can you all really fly without wings? And shrink into dust particles?" Annalise asks making a small gap between her thumb and index finger.

"Why of course I can fly without wings," Kiara says effortlessly lifting herself off the ground while sitting.

"And the smallest a fairy can get is the size of a baby field mouse. As far as I know," Kiara says sitting back down.

"Can I see?" Annalise asks her amber coloured eyes changing to a warm orange colour.

"I don't see why not," Kiara says shrinking down and starts flying around Annalise-who watches with amazement-.

"Can you shrink other people?" Kol asks.

"Um, honestly not sure. I'll have to find that out," Kiara says scratching the back of her head as she regrew.

"How much weight can you pick up when you're that small," Kol asks.

"As much as I can while I'm full sized well proportionally. So when I'm at my normal size I can sustain a constant weight of 5  times my body weight and monetarily carry 7 times my body weight that will stay the same but one a much smaller scale. Like, say I wanted to pick up Kol up. While at full size it would be easy but being fully shrunk I couldn't. Does that make sense?" Kiara asks.

"Perfect, is there a limit to how much you can use your abilities?" Kol asks.

"Yes, much like you can only run so much before you're worn out," Kiara says.

"Now can I see you grow a plant?" Annalise asks.

"I don't see why not," Kiara says looking around for a small plant. She finds a sprouting Lily.

"Watch closely," Kiara says connecting to that one flower and gently putting some of her energy to help the little flower bloom. It grows quickly right in front of their eyes.

"Whow," wonder clear in the little dragon's eyes.

"So... what do we do now?" Kol says suddenly.

"Well... I think we should figure out who has the stone... if they even have it,"

"I dunno, let's take a trek back to the ruins," Kol says.

"From there we'll be able to find out who has it," Kiara says nodding.

"Before we go don't you think you should do something about the giant gash in your forehead?" Annalise asks.

"Huh?" Kiara says as she dumbly touches her fingers to her forehead making pain shoot through her.

"Is it bad?" Kiara asks.

"Meh," Kol says. Kiara groans

"Some help you are!" Kiara says uses her water ability to search for the river. Once it's found she looks down at herself.

Same blonde main, and green eyes, but now she's sporting a large gash on her forehead. SHe gently makes a sphere of water and washes away the dried blood. It still looks bad but not nearly as bad as she thought at first.

Kiara searches around and swears under her breath. Her bow it's gone! When had she lost it? She'd had it when she found the deer since she got her burn ointment from the pouch in it. DId she have it when she was fighting Kol? Or did she lose it in the water? 

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