Namjoon didn't even make it to finish his sentence before his hands and knees made contact with the floor. Namjoon's left cheek hurt from the massive right hand that Taehyung gifted him. " You're the real fucking shit Namjoon!" Taehyung growls before slamming the door. Namjoon was more than shocked, so shocked in fact that he remained in the same kneeling position that he somehow took after the punch. Never had Taehyung placed his hands on him. Not like this. And the more aggressive Taehyung became, the more bewildered Namjoon became until he froze. Taehyung roughly grabs Namjoon by the collar of his shirt and lifts him up with effort. " You are the real shit now Namjoon." Taehyung repeats but this time in a whisper. Ultimately Namjoon has had enough and fights back. Pushing Taehyung away from him with roughness. " What the hell is your problem man!?" Namjoon raises his voice, eyebrows furrowing and his lips pressed together from the rising anger. What made him hesitate even more is the evident upcoming tears that Taehyung has clouding his vision. " You...You were always my problem. You always took everything from me!" Taehyung yells taking Namjoon aback.

" What the fuck are you talking about man!?" Namjoon insist, tightening his fist.

" It doesn't matter now...." The other Whispers again. " I lost the round. Again."

" First I applauded to you for being such a big dick Namjoon. I wanted Yoongi to myself, I wanted for us to love each other! So when you didn't bother to listen to him and you treated him like trash, I applauded you! Because that meant Yoongi would waver to me! But I was wrong Namjoon!"

The mention of Yoongi's name made Namjoon's chest tighten. Based on the things Taehyung was saying, Namjoon assumes that Yoongi always looked at his way and not at Taehyung's who's possibly devastated that Yoongi did not like him back. But he still felt confused and never in a million years did he think Taehyung was going to say something horrific.

" Yoongi..." Taehyung tears up. " Is in the hospital, fighting for his life because you made him slit his wrist."

Everything to Namjoon felt blank. Empty, and the words of venom that Taehyung spits didn't impact him at all. He is crying. Crying hard while running out of the dorm, not even bothering to remember that his door is left open, that he is wearing pajamas and that he is running out into the streets bare feet.
Taehyung is left alone inside the dorm, feeling so weak and he falls to his knees to cry. Namjoon didn't seem to feel the cold pavement under his feet as he dashed to the nearest hospital. He bumped into people and didn't bother to apologize even when they cussed. He ran through the streets even when the green light was on for the cars to pass. He almost became ran over by a red Mercedes who's thankfully pulled into an aggressive stop and still Namjoon didn't stop. The tears are clouding his vision, his heart is close to seizing, his mind full of montages of being with Yoongi . He feels sorry, he feels devastated, he feels at fault, and he feels extremely worried. But none of these feelings seemed to be analyzed and understood by his brain.

Finally he reaches the hospitals, rushing to the front desk like a mad man. Namjoon honestly appears to be like a crazy person in people's eyes. And maybe he is crazy.

" Min Yoongi please! Now!" Namjoon yells after regaining  his voice.

" A-and who might you be?" The lady asks feeling nervous herself.

" I am..." Namjoon pauses for a moment not sure what to describe himself as. " I am his boyfriend." He decided on that and the lady told him the direction to Yoongi's room. Namjoon mutters a small thank you before running up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. yoongi is on the third floor, room 303. Once Namjoon steps foot inside the room, He sees the lights turned on and a boy sitting up on the bed with a pink tray that contained hospital food. He wasn't eating but only staring. And when he feels the presence of someone else in his room, Yoongi turns his gaze to the side where Namjoon stands panting harshly. Yoongi could have cried right there and then but he held the tears back. However his gaze never left Namjoon's.

Namjoon only stood there as if he was a glitching character in a video game who froze. But he finally gave in to his body's needs and he rushes to Yoongi's bed. Not being shy about giving him a tight embrace. The tray of food happens to fall onto the floor, the loud crash alarming some of the nurses who went to check it out and when she saw the hug, she smiles and decides not to interfere. Namjoon's strong and secure arms are wrapped around Yoongi's small and fragile waist. The world seems to have stopped for Yoongi whom almost forgot how to breathe. It felt so good. So good to have Namjoon touch him after how many times he yearned for it. Lastly, Yoongi's fragile arms embraces Namjoon back, Fresh tears rushing down his cheeks.

" Yoongi..." Namjoon speaks softer than ever. " I am sorry! For everything! For not giving you a chance to explain yourself, for being harsh to you, f-for pushing you away and everything. I'm just sorry and I love you." Namjoon quickly said but Yoongi only payed attention to those beautiful three words that caused the pink volcanos in his heart to erupt and melt. The boy only releases a whimper as a response and hugs Namjoon even tighter. Closing his eyes and feelings tears of joy roll down his cheeks.

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Greetings! My chicken tenders and potatoes 😭😭😭 Ya'll have requested this for the longest time now. And while it wasn't it's turn to be updated, I just had to write it because there was so much request for this.
I want to say sorry, for holding you all off for so long especially during cliff hangers. 👀 😂
I heard that I made a lot of you cry, and I hope this chapter has the same effect except that it is for happy tears! Yayy~
This story is coming to an end, and I just want to make it the best end that I can. Personally I think my ends aren't good enough because they don't seem unique enough- but hopefully...they will?

I thought that it would have taken me a few days more to finally finish this chapter but to my surprise I finished it in one day! 😂😂
In which- I have a bad habit of writing something and then leaving it for a few days before writing again. But that's only when I don't know where to lead the story.

Anyways~ I've held you long enough. Now here's a question for you.

Let's say you were Taehyung in this story. Would you have given up on Yoongi or would you have kept fighting for his love? Let me know, Yanno? I miss asking readers curious questions.!

-Goodbye, have a nice day❤️

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