Road To Glory Part 2

Start from the beginning

Delilah's mouth fell agape as she searched for the words to say." But ma."

" But ma nothing." she paused, secretly daring Delilah to say something else with her eyes as she stood in her motherly stance, hands gripping her hips and expression full of seriousness. " I said no, no buts about it, evidently you must've forgot that you three under-aged girls snuck out to that club where anything could've happened to you. Mario died that night but easily that could've been any of you and on top of that Delilah, you put my sleeping pills in Ms. Betty's Corona... The answer is no and that's the end of this discussion."

Delilah, Alyssa, and Valentina looked nearly paralyzed in their seats. Delilah appreciated that Alyssa confessed that it was her and Valentina's idea of sneaking off to the Limelight, but even still Delilah had it worse than Alyssa and especially Valentina. She wasn't even sure if Valentina's grandma gave a damn about her sneaking off. The only lip she was receiving for her actions was from Mrs. Smith.

Neither of them actually realized what they did that night, especially Delilah. She'd never live drugging Ms. Betty down no matter how many times she apologized. And being the caring person Delilah was her actions made her sick every time her mother brought it to the light.

The room was now silent as Mrs. Smith glared at them, dropping her purse on the table then heading down towards her room.

All that was heard was the clicking of Mrs. Smith's heels before the shutting of her room door, causing Delilah to pinch the bridge of her nose-for the door to her dreams closed as well that very moment. She should've known that her mother wouldn't allow her, after all, she was still on punishment for going to the Limelight in the first place.

You were better off sneaking out again. The audacious side of her conscience chastised her... almost to the point that she thought of going behind her mother's back again. 

Yet the idea of it didn't settle well with a part of her, simply because it would be worse this time for her mother told her not to. Delilah respected her mother too much to disobey her orders.

Delilah shook her head to clear that idea from her mind. Even if it seemed like the only way, she was already knee-deep in trouble so drowning was not her desire at all. 

She stared at the silhouette of the singing lady on the flyer she held with a shaking leg. The more she looked at it she could've sworn that—that lady was her but that arising fantasy faded when Valentina opened her mouth.

" Well that didn't go as expected." she chuckled a bit to clear the awkward tension, yet her chuckles faded quickly when she saw the serious bland expressions their faces held. She cleared her throat immediately and pointed towards the living room couch. " Yeah, you know what...Ima just... sit over there," she muttered earning an eye roll from Delilah in return.

As the night went on Delilah seemed to be the only one that still cared about not being in the talent search anymore and it just made her wonder. Is this really it? Is this the end?


The studio remained quite dark to my liking, the only light source being the single dim light above me as I sat on this same stool writing the words to a song I had been working on.

"In this world there's much confusion, and I've taste the city life and it's not for me. Now I do dream of distant places. Where? I don't know now, but it's destiny... If it's the rich life I don't want it, Happiness ain't always material things..." I trailed off with a sigh.

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