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A/N - Lemon! 

Also - reminder < > is typed dialogue, and introducing  «»    as sign language.

"Rooossssiiiiiii." you whined dropping your hands into your lap, "my hands hurt."
<You sound like my son. Well except he doesn't call me by my name.> he grinned.
<awe you have kids?>
<Just a six-year old, Luka.> he then opened a photo on his tablet of himself, a small boy with dirty blond hair and clearly his father's grin and a beautiful brunette with an enigmatic smile.
<Is that your wife?>
<Yes, Carly. We met when I was traveling abroad. It took quite a bit of convincing to get her to settle here. But she was able to open her own practice and it's quite successful.> he smiled.

As you were about to ask more questions Ace rounded the corner.

«shouldn't you be off the tablet?» he signed.
«It's hard!» you fumbled and switched back to the tablet <How are you so good at this already?>
<I'm just a fast learner babe.> he typed back and winked.

You didn't know if you wanted to pinch or kiss that smug freckled face of his.

<It's ok, lesson is done for today. F/N, you know your homework.>
<Yeah. I'll email you the video over the weekend.>

With that Rosinante gave Ace's shoulder a pat and left for the day.

Your lessons were coming along but it took a lot of getting used to and you fumbled quite a bit. Ace wasn't always able to be there, so he made do with YouTube tutorials and as it turns out had sort of a knack for it. He could have most of a conversation with Rosinante without being corrected. But the blond had endless patience with you and you loved how you could distract him so easily. He told you countless stories about his past life as a double agent for the marines.

You were only a few weeks out of your hospital stay, bruises and other injuries were finally healing. Though you were still self-conscious about scars and your hearing loss Ace never failed to comfort you.

He squeezed into the armchair with you eventually moving you into his lap, letting the tablet that was now a fixture in your relationship rest on your thigh.

<What's your homework? Do you want me to record it for you?>
"No, it's embarrassing," you muttered.

He shifted behind you, what could you have to record for another person that was embarrassing?

<You didn't answer my first question.>

You chuckled now feeling his discomfort with whatever his imagination decided your project was.

<I have to translate a song I like.>
<How is that embarrassing? You used to sing all the time, and this is just with your hands.> he handed the device back to you.
<That was just around the house...and for you. Like what if I mess up and accidentally say something perverted?> you slouched against his chest.

You felt a laugh rumbled through him, <The chances of that are pretty slim. It's more likely that you'll just accidentally speak gibberish, and that's what he's testing you for anyway.>

"Fine." you pouted.
<Do you know what song you want to pick?>
<Nah I'll figure something out though I guess.>
<Let me know if you'll be taking requests.> he sat the tablet on the small table to his left and wound his arms gently around you.

A lot of your alone time was spent like this, wrapped up in Ace watching TV with the closed caption on. He seemed to have an endless amount of cuddles to keep you comfortable, he may have been better for your anxiety than Kuma. You were also very aware that he was seeking physical contact that the two of you hadn't shared since his birthday. Your body wasn't in any sort of condition for that, and now you were self-conscious of what awful sounds you might make.

Knowing how people with hearing loss sound, you didn't want to whimper or moan off key or too loudly and ruin the moment. Sure, you spoke often but there wasn't a mood to maintain.

He moved your hair and nuzzled into the crook of your neck, tickling you with feather-light kisses while his hands roamed over your torso. You knew he'd been holding back while you healed and honestly you were ready despite your nerves.

Fingers made their way into his black waves encouraging him to continue his actions. Once given the nonverbal go ahead he turned you in the chair to have better access. His lips finally met yours fervently, stealing your breath and igniting a need in you that hadn't been present in over a month. After leading you into a fuzzy euphoria he pulled away.

«Room?» he signed.

You nodded sliding to the edge of the chair. Ace didn't wait for your feet to touch the floor before swiftly picking you up forcing your legs to wrap around his waist.

Once you reached the bedroom he fell with you onto the mattress, kissing you sweetly as you giggled. He bucked against you sending pleasant shivers up and down your spine and a small huff slipped through your parted lips spurring your boyfriend to continue.

Clumsy digits played with the hem of your shirt tugging upward to reveal a few scars that now littered your torso. Warm lips grazed each, showing sweet appreciation for not snatching you away. His hands slid up and down your sides eventually making their way into your leggings and panties to grope your rear. You hummed absently unbuttoning his shirt and letting your fingers glide over the scarred expanse of his chest feeling a pleased rumble vibrate through him. A slow hard thrust let you know how excited he was and also reminded you of how very clothed you both were as he nipped a licked the base of your throat.

Quickly he remedied the clothing situation sitting back to completely remove his shirt and pants while you wiggled out of your own. His warmth brushed over you as he reached for his drawer in the nightstand to pluck a condom from the box stashed inside. After taking precautions he leaned back over you sliding his arms between your back and the bed. He wanted to ask if you were comfortable since intimacy had been an issue as of late, but the tablet had been abandoned in the other room. You smiled softly at the almost pout that formed on his freckled features and lifted your hand to caress his cheek. Leaning into your touch he took that as his answer and moved down to take over your lips once more.

Hooking your legs over his hips you welcomed him into your warmth with a small gasp.

"Fuck," he murmured against your neck.

You didn't need to hear him to know what was said. You wanted to say it too after all. You'd forgotten how good he felt, how he fit you perfectly, how his scent took over your senses. Everything seemed amplified without the distraction of sound. You closed your eyes losing yourself in the rhythm Ace had set occasionally rising to meet his thrusts.

He had to collect himself every time you rose, unknowingly mewling beneath him. It was a sound he wasn't sure he'd hear again, and it nearly drove him to the brink. You had lost yourself in pleasure, acting on instinct and pleasantly drowning in the waves of amorous affection rolling between the two of you. Somehow this was better than the first time.

When Ace wasn't sure he could possibly love you any more you unexpectedly whispered his name forcing his eyes open to roam over you. Neck arched back, and hair splayed out over the sheets he watched your chest rise and fall with every sigh; you were the most gorgeous thing he'd ever seen, and he needed to somehow be closer. Lowering himself to kiss your décolletage caused more friction against your clit tightening your grasp on his waist.

"Ace," you whispered, "yes."

That was all the encouragement he needed, remaining close he picked up his pace not wanting the moment to end but desperately needing it to. Your eyes opened but remained half-lidded, drunk on this beautiful man above you. A crooked smile bent his lips as you moved your hands through his hair, trailing down to the back of his neck to pull him into a deep kiss that eventually forced your both to unravel.

For a few moments, you remained swathed in each other catching your breath. Ace rose, propping himself up on his left elbow as his right arm moved from your waist. His eyes searched yours for a moment before he placed a chaste kiss on your nose.

«I love you.» he signed.

"I love you too." you smiled tugging him back into your chest. 

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