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Gravel crunched under your boots as you made your way to the '72 cream beetle that sat in the drive. You unlocked the driver's side opening the door for Kuma to hop inside. Ace followed quietly stopping short of the vehicle eyeing it with some uncertainty.

"No cars like this where you're from?" You guessed.

He shook his head slowly.

"Well hop in." You nodded toward the passenger door.

He opened the door and slid into the soft leather seat. You did the same showing him how to buckle his seatbelt.

"All set?" You asked bringing the old diesel engine to life.

Kuma woofed from the backset as you shifted gears lurching forward following the gravel path that stretched passed the house and framed the nearby forest.

"Where are we going?" Ace shivered.
"You'll see when we get there. Sorry, she's old the heater takes a while." You answered fiddling with the dials on the dash.

He shivered again as a blast of cold air hit him and began to slowly change temperatures. In his world he could take advantagde of his devil fruit to keep himself warm. Humanity seemed more fragile here.

"Missing your devil thingy?" You asked glancing at him sideways.
"Devil fruit." He corrected, "And yeah. It's weird being cold."

The sun was high shrouded in a veil of wispy clouds. Ace watched the scenery on the right slowly drop out of sight revealing an endless choppy sea. He'd known it was nearby; though the air was cold he could smell the hint of salt in the breeze but based on what he could see from your property he hadn't guessed it would be so close. It was hard to resist the urge to hop out of the vehicle and take it all in.

"Almost there." You smiled as if you'd read his mind.

He hadn't spent much time with you but it seemed your smile only made special appearances.

The little bug sputtered to a halt. You locked the e-break in place and unbuckled nudging Ace to do the same. Yawning and stretching you climbed out of the car turning to fold the seat down for Kuma and removing the blanket you kept in the back seat. Ace stood in awe of the view of the bay from the bluffs. Jagged rock formations jutted out of the sea almost reaching your perch. It was something most people only saw in pictures. The sound of the crashing waves filled the air broken up by the call of a few guls that refused to migrate.

You spread the blanket out and dropped down tightening your coat. Ace tossed a stick for Kuma before taking a seat beside you.

"I thought you'd appreciate this even though you were cursed by the sea." You pointed a gloved finger toward the view.
"Even though it's feels a little like home." He smiled widely, sending a rush a of heat to your cheeks.
"Tell me about it." You rubbed between Kuma's ears as he rested his head in your lap.
"About home?" Ace quirked a brow.
"If it isn't too painful I mean." You lowered your gaze.

It was unlike you to take interest in anyone, and any sane person wouldn't have taken this complete stranger in especially after witnessing how he entered this world. But you felt comfortable. If he was going to try something he would have by now, after all he just spent the night in your bed.

He began telling quirky stories about his brothers on the Whitebeard crew. Most of their antics were ridiculous and if you were being honest a little impossible. But nothing was a crazy as the stories he had about Luffy which lasted the drive home.

"Pirate King?" You gave him an incredulous glance, "Like... The King of all pirates."
"That's the idea I guess." Ace nodded.
"So, like, would he get to tell everyone else what to do?"
He looked at you unsure of how to respond, "I'm not entirely sure... I think it would be more of a - no one can mess with you - sort of thing."

You hummed not completely satisfied with his answer.

"I'm starving." He sighed.
"I just got paid... We can drop Kuma off and go get something in town. I-if you're up to it." You suggested.
"If you're up to it." He emphasized, "You don't seem to like people much."
"I'm a big girl. I can handle it."


After dropping Kuma off you and Ace headed into town. You figured you'd be alright as long as he was with you. His calm energy seemed to help your nerves much like Kuma's.
The sun had long since set in the late autumn sky when you pulled up and parked in front of a restaurant that had recently opened in the center of town.

Both of you welcomed the warmth of the building after sitting outside for so many hours in the cold sea breeze. A chirpy young woman stood at the hostess station smiling widely with a slight blush as you walked up with the adorable raven.
This was your first time in public together and you hadn't really thought about how other people would react to him.

"One or two?" She asked sweetly brushing a lock of her purple hair behind her ear.

"Two." Ace replied politely.

Her smile disappeared for a fraction of a second as she grabbed a couple of menus and lead you to an empty table near the large open kitchen. Taking your seats and glancing over the menus you placed your orders with the server and continued to chat.

The chefs and kitchen staff were working feverishly with their backs to the patrons. You were a bit puzzled as Ace fell silent gaze now fixed on the staff.

"You ok?" You asked lightly touching his knuckles.

He nodded slowly turning back to you, "I'm fine."

"A-ace?" An unfamiliar voice caused both of your heads to snap back to the double doors leading to the kitchen.


He Fell From The Sky [[ Portgas D Ace X Reader ]]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ