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Rosinante chuckled from your kitchen table as he sat with your tablet propped up in front of him.

Your face was burning as you sat across from him thoroughly embarrassed. His amused eyes flickered from you back to the screen.

"I didn't know you were gonna watch it in front of me." you groaned.

He was reviewing the project he'd assigned you - to translate one of your favorite songs into sign language.

«Sign only, please.»

It wasn't that you had done a bad job, but your discomfort and embarrassment was very apparent in the video. It made you stumble and sigh often. Also something you weren't aware of, was Ace's voice singing along as if he'd known the song his entire life between chuckles and celebratory words when you managed to get a whole sentence correct. It wasn't just funny, it was down right adorable.

«Mean.» you pouted.

He rolled his hazel eyes and leaned forward locking the tablet.

«This was very good.» he smiled encouragingly, «There are still some words and letters you need to work on.»
«OK» you sighed and rubbed your face, «I'll work harder. »
«You aren't in trouble.» his smile remained, «We're going at your pace. You've come a long way in the last month and a half.»
«If you say so.»

He shook his head at your behavior as Kuma rested his chin on your lap. You wish you could say you didn't know why you were being so difficult, but you knew.  Signing forced you to make movements you weren't entirely comfortable with. It was like dancing - you hated dancing. Not only that, it wasn't something that was incredibly common. At least you had never met a hearing impaired person before, which meant when you were at the store with Ace having a conversation people were staring. You felt it. Being on display like that was the last thing you wanted.

Kuma left your lap drawing your attention back up. He waddled to the door excitedly and sat with all of his attention focused on the doorknob.

Ace was home.

You glanced back at Rosi who was gathering his things.

«I'll see you on Friday, keep going over your alphabet and the words we discussed.» he swung his messenger bag over his shoulder and turned somehow getting his feet tangled.
"Rosi!" you gasped hopping to your feet as he caught himself on the side of the counter.

Ace rushed passed you to help the blonde up, "Are you alright?"
Rosi straightened himself out, «I'm fine, sorry to startle you.»
"As long as you're not hurt." you stepped next to your freckled mate.

You really should have been used to his clumsiness by now, but every time was a complete surprise.

After some reassurance and some small talk with Ace, Rosi made his exit.

You were stretched out on the sofa, the back of your head resting in Ace's lap while he brushed his fingers through your hair and watched TV. He'd been a bit down the last few days, after having a dream about Pops. He claimed it wasn't a dream - who were you to deny him? For him it was a very real experience that apparently Thatch had as well one night a couple of months ago. Finally reaching the closure he didn't know he needed with his father figure.

Finding out about Pops' death hit Ace harder than even he ever thought. He knew the old man would pass away eventually - he'd been very ill over the last year. Something about knowing they perished on the same day in the same place hit him in an unexplainable way. There was a silver lining, as there often is with this sort of thing - he was free of that illness. He also died knowing he was loved by his sons.

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