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You meandered through aisles of Christmas ornaments. It had been a very long time since you celebrated the holidays, not since your grandmother passed. This year was for Ace; who had expressed a lot of interest.

He'd noticed decorations going up around town and commercials on tv so you ended up explaining the holiday and different religious and family traditions that take place. He'd known something similar where he was from so it wasn't terribly difficult to explain.

Now you found yourself in a super store combing picked to death aisles for Christmas decor. The raven that accompanied you had distracted himself with themed dog toys meant as gifts for pets.

"I didn't expect there to be so many colors." Ace commented holding up a tube of differently textured orange plastic balls.
"It's pretty amazing actually. My mother always liked traditional colors, green, red and gold. But Gram always wanted to try something different." You touched a sleeve of metallic blue ornaments, "But since it's your first we can do traditional if you'd like."

Ace gazed at you thoughtfully gnawing on the inside of his bottom lip, a habit you found incredibly cute.

"What color do you want?"

You preferred cooler tones while Ace preferred warmer. You hadn't expected him to ask since all of this was for him in the first place.

"Purples, blues and greens." You replied quietly.

He got quiet again eyeing the shelf behind you stocked with fake trees. A smiled spread across his face when his eyes reached the very top shelf. Before you could ask him what he was looking at he began climbing the industrial shelf.

"Ace!" You called in quiet panic trying not to draw attention to yourself, "Get down!"
"In a sec." He muttered focused on his goal.
"Now!" You croaked, "You'll get us kicked out!"
"You'll get us kicked out if you keep yelling." He chuckled hooking his left leg around the steel support of the shelf.

You flushed not realizing you'd raised your voice so much. Ace carefully wiggled a box free and lowered it toward you.

"It's awkwardly shaped but not heavy." He assured as you grasped the end of the box.

Once he was sure you had it he let go and hopped down landing perfectly on his feet.

"What?" He asked meeting your glare.
"You can't just climb things in the store like some kind of monkey. What if you fell?" You scolded flicking him.
"Ow! Hey!" He rubbed his nose where you'd thumped your fingers, "It's fine. I've survived worse."

You shook your head turning your attention to the box standing on its end. The label noted that it was a six foot white pre-lit tree.

"White?" You murmured.
"So we can do different colors every year." He smiled triumphantly.
"Oh." You replied as coolly as you felt possible ignoring the fluttering in your chest.
"So," He paused resting his hands on his hips, "What color should we get for this year?"

You thought for a moment furrowing your brows and pursing your lips.


"I didn't realize you were so..." Ace trailed off trying to find the word.
"Crafty?" You murmured from your spot on the floor twisting the wire that held the ribbons you'd arranged together.

He nodded stepping away to admire your collective work. From bottom to top the tree was swirled with ornaments from blue to teal to yellow to orange and finally red. White glittery orbs filled the spaces between the flame like designs.
Ace took the large bow you'd fashioned and fastened it to the top of the tree before dropping down next to you on the rug.

"The middle kinda reminds me of Marco." He leaned back on his palms.
"His favorite colors?" You questioned looking over the teal and yellow section.
"His flames." Ace replied a little distant.
"A phoenix with blue flames?"

He hummed in affirmation.

Though he had Thatch he still missed his other brothers very much and even regretted leaving to go after Teach.

"The Christmas party is tonight right?" You asked after a few moments of silence.
"Yeah, I should probably hit the shower." He stood and pulled you to your feet, "Too bad you can't come."
"Even if I were allowed, I think I've had enough human interaction today." You smirked picking up a string of lights to line the front windows with.

Ace turned toward his room.

While he showered you continued putting up decorations in the house finally settling at the kitchen table to finish an old wreath you'd been trying to revive. A small knock rattled the old glass window pane in the front door. With a huff you rose and unlatched the chain.

"F/N? Right?" The purplette chimed full of nauseatingly fake cheer.
"And you are?" You flouted tilting your head in faux curiosity.

Her perfect cherry lips screwed into a pout.

"Oh hey Katie." Ace called over your shoulder, "You're early."

You turned to the raven, heart violently pounding through your chest. His black waves were pulled back into a messy ponytail with a few flyaways framing his smiling freckled face. The sleeves of his red and gray plaid shirt were rolled to his elbows with a slate gray tie cinched loosely under his collar.

"You look so handsome!" Katie voiced your thoughts moving to Ace's side snaking her slender arm around his.

Your chest tightened when he didn't reject the contact. Kuma finally sauntered into the room letting out a rumble at the new voice. The purplette squeaked scooting behind Ace eliciting an eye roll from you.

"He's harmless." You insisted bending down to sooth him.
"Doesn't seem harmless." She muttered.
"He's just protective." Ace defended stepping forward for some distance.

Kuma rumbled again but settled next to you while Ace ran a hand between his ears.

"The wreath is almost ready for the door." He commented straightening himself out.
"Almost." You affirmed, "I just have to add a few more things."
"Oh you made that?" Katie questioned moving toward the table, "How cute."

You felt her tone was more mocking than complimentary but murmured a halfhearted "thanks" anyway.

"We should get going." The girl chirped checking the time on her phone.

You were torn between ending the awkwardness and letting Ace leave with that...

"Ok see ya later F/N." He palmed your shoulder letting his hand drift down to your elbow.
"Yeah...uh call me if you get drunk and need me to come get you. I'll just be catching up on some work."
"He'll be fine. I'll make sure of it." Katie replied pulling your gaze from Ace's.

"You kids have fun then." You muttered getting a grin from the raven.

"See you in a few hours." Ace's hand left your arm as he led Katie out the front door.

You entertained yourself for a while finishing the wreath, hanging it outside and moving on to other decorations. The front windows had been lit and railing on the porch wrapped in garland and lights. No one ever drove passed your property but you wanted Ace to see the house lit up when he got home. It was getting later and didn't seem like you'd get caught any time soon so you made your way to your room opening the bottom right drawer of your desk and pulling out a small box of beads you'd purchased for a gift you were planning to make. Under the box were the small tools you needed to attach the clasp to the silver cord you were using.

You plopped down on your bed carefully taking out the cord and fastening the open clasp to one end. Carefully you opened the box revealing the small round red jasper beads you'd picked out just for Ace. Once the bracelet was complete you stretched and placed it back in the box, you checked your phone and put the box back in its drawer it was well after 2AM. Anxiety pooled into your chest and you suppressed the urge to text and check in.

He didn't belong to you and could stay out however late he wanted. Plus you knew Thatch and Grace were there and would inform you if anything bad had happened. Trying to sooth yourself you climbed into bed, Kuma following suit and scrolled through manga until you finally dozed off.

Ace didn't come home that night.

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