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You pulled into the short paved driveway leading up to a small red brick home. Grace appeared wrapped in a robe on the front porch to greet you.

"Sorry for troubling you in the middle of the night." She rubbed her hands together to warm them.

Was it the middle of the night? You hadn't checked in your haste.

"Its fine." You tried to calm yourself stepping up to meet her.

She guided you into the cozy home where Thatch emerged from the hallway a deep worried frown etched into his handsome face.

"He seems to have calmed down a bit, but he's asking for you." He murmured sounding a bit dejected.

You sighed and nodded with the confirmation that he was alright.

"This way." Grace instructed taking you to the spare bedroom and lightly knocked on the door, "Ace, F/N is here."
"Come in." His voice was barely a whisper.

You turned the knob, foreign feelings bubbling through your chest. Normally you avoided human contact if at all possible, but something drew you to Ace. You felt like you needed to protect him.
Slipping over the threshold you stepped out of your boots and shrugged out of your hoodie quietly making your way to the bed to peel the blankets back.
The raven flinched still a bit shaky from his episode. His garnet orbs glossed over as he searched your face before letting out a short sigh of relief. You crawled into the small bed shifting to pull him into your chest. Once his left ear was pressed firmly above your right breast your entire body relaxed. You released a breath not realizing just how tense you'd been.

Ace broke the silence while your fingers made their way into his messy waves.

"For what?" You whispered nonchalantly.
"I thought I'd be fine." He murmured a little disappointed in himself.
"And you are." You breathed, "Don't worry about it."

Both of you just huddled together soothing each other's anxieties. Suddenly a chuckle rumbled through Ace's chest.

"What's funny?" You questioned still twisting his hair around your index finger.
"You missed me." He muttered.
"Says who?" You shifted beneath him causing him to rise above you.
"You didn't bother to change your clothes." He pointed at the shirt you'd warn out to eat and you did in fact, still have your jeans on.
"I could have just changed before I left." You lifted a brow.
"But you didn't." He poked your nose before cuddling back into your side, "I bet you didn't even eat."

Your breath caught in your throat picturing the to-go box in the fridge. You'd have to get rid of it before he saw it.

"You don't know what you're talking about." You huffed letting your hands get back to work twisting his hair.
He paused for a beat searching for words, "Why do you think this is so comfortable?"
"I hadn't thought to question it." You shrugged.

It was an honest enough response. You always did what you wanted; even as a child it was difficult to have you complete a task you had no interest in. Most people, especially teachers found you to be finicky and stubborn. However, the things you were interested in got your full undivided attention. Any task you had true passion for reaped the greatest results. And you usually threw yourself in head first without a second thought. This situation wasn't any different.

"I just... never needed this kind of comfort to sleep before." He said in a hushed tone.
"Me either." You replied softly.
"You never slept before." He chuckled.
"Shut up." You smirked.

This wasn't the first time you'd heard him laugh. He usually did while wrestling with Kuma in the living room. This time is just sounded different, musical somehow? It pulled a rare smile across your lips.

Thatch crossed his arms turning to Grace as they listened to your banter from the hallway.

"Why do you look so concerned?" She caressed the scar on his temple.
"He hasn't even been here a week and he's so attached to her he has panic attacks?"
"That may not be the trigger." She slowly tugged him away from the door, "He left your world in a very traumatic way and she found him the moment he crossed over. He probably just subconsciously associates her presence as something comforting."
"It just seemed a little intense." He pouted running a hand through his now messy brunette locks.
"Such a sweet big brother he has." Grace cooed.

Thatch offered a lopsided smile. He didn't think he'd get a chance to play that role again.

"It is too soon for him to be so attached though..." He commented following Grace into their room.
"Hypocrite." She pressed her lips to his and removed her robe.

You woke up freezing curled up into yourself on the edge of the mattress. Stretching you rolled over to face Ace who was comfortably burritoed into the comforter you had been sharing. He snored loudly, mouth gaping open, drool pooling on the top sheet beneath him. Letting another shiver rack down your spine you jammed your freezing hands into the blanket groping at his shirtless back.

"Wah!" He gasped swatting at you, "What the hell F/N?"

"Shut up." You whispered followed by laughter, "It's still early. You'll wake everyone up."

"You'll wake everyone up. What's your problem?" His brows knit and fell as he watched you laugh and tug the blankets away from him.

"You don't know how to share." You feigned a pout.

"I am a pirate." He smirked, "I don't have to share."

"I'm sure that's a lie." Your chuckles died down as you snuggled into the warm covers.

He watched your expression change.

"So, do you want to stay here?" You cursed yourself inwardly for coming off so bluntly.

His still sleepy eyes widened a fraction. Were you planning on dumping him here? After he just got used to your house and very clearly couldn't sleep through the night alone.

How were you going to cope if he wanted to stay with Thatch and Grace? When did you need his presence so bad?

"Maybe..." He started.

A knot formed in your throat. Why did you even ask?

"Just for the day though. I'm coming home with you." His gaze shifted to the wall behind you, "If I'm still welcome."

"Of course. Idiot." 

He Fell From The Sky [[ Portgas D Ace X Reader ]]Where stories live. Discover now