Ethan: Sorry to dissapoint you.

Tyler: But we will destroy all of you.

little chicks sign: "Seems like all teams are ready. Well then, let's start!"

*they all get in position*

Wade: Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome to Capture The Flag!!

Bob: What are you doing?

Wade: I thought we could moderate the game. We already don't take part of it, so...

Bob: Just don't, ok?

*Wade pouts*

Bob: Come on Wade. Don't be like that. 

*Wade crosses his arms*

Bob: You should be glad that we are free from the punishments. By the way, we are only supposed to keep track on the score.

Wade: Welp, guess you are right.

-meanwhile to where the others are -

Amy: Alright, how are we doing this?

Wiishu: Hm... I am not so sure.

Amy: Wait, look. Here is a chest behind this wall.

*they open the chest, in it is a letter and an amor with yellow strips on the side plus an ali an who holds an cactus on the right top*

Wiishu: Awesome!

Amy: What's written in the letter?


For every team some handy Information; 

you all have one of this chests standing in your base. In each one are two amors, some items to build traps, special items and the rules. Here are the explanations for all of the things in this chest of yours:

~two amors: This two amors are specialized from the looks for every team. They all have the same defense ability though. Mark & Jack  have red strips on the side and an Sam who has a pink mustache on the right top. Ethan & Tyler have blue strips on the side and a smiling crankwheel on the right top. Amy & Signe have yellow strips on the side and an alien who holds an cactus on the right top. 

~items to build traps: Around your base you can set traps. They need to be selfmade and only build with the following items; a rope, stones for weight, a stack of wood, a fishing line, a few plastic fishing hooks and duct tape. Every Team has the exact same things. 

~special items: These items are weapons, specialized for every single one of you. You only can use the weapon that has your name on it. They are not created to hurt someone, so only use them in a fair way. They are not that strong, but if you use them against someone too hard, they can make damage. So please beware.

Now the rules: 

1. Only two rounds

2. The flag needs to be taken all the way to the base from the team who took the flag 

3.The team is allowed to split up

 4. Traps are only around the base allowed and only to build with the things in the chest

5. The traps need to be harmless 

6. The special weapons are not allowed to be used against each other

7. Use only your weapon, not from someone else

That's it. 

The first round is over, when the first team is out. Their flag isn't important anymore. In the last round the two teams who are still in are now head at head. The winners are the ones who get the flag from the other team to their own base. 

Winner gets cookies and cake. The losers of the first round gets Cold water poured over them. The losers of the second round  need to wear outfits chosen from the winners.

Okay boys and girls, play nice.

~to be continued


Don't worry. The next part will come in time. I make this dare in two parts. Hope ya all don't mind. Well, I am doing it anyways. X3  

I am so sorry it took so long... I already had written this chapter but I don't have internet lately because my mum and I moved out. So.. i am really truely sorry. And when there are any wrong words in this or the next chapters, please tell me that. I maybe will edit them when we have wifi again. I don't know when that will be tho... Stay awesome guys. <3


Ask and Dare! Markiplier and Friends (slow updates!!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora