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"Stop lying, I know you was sleep you used to do this all the time when you were little but come on".


"Hey Beyoncé". Aaron shouted running up to me pulling me into a hug before spinning us around.

Pushing him away before I could answer I threw up over his shoes.

"Not my Jordan's". He said as I continued to gag. Pulling my head up Aiden had a water bowel and a mini bottle of mouth wash.

Washing my mouth out I spit it out before handing it back to him.

"I will get you some new shoes". I said as he now stood in his socks. "Your cool sis, but next time throw up on Jay".

"I heard that shit!". Jay shouted as I softly giggled.

"Everyone go choose a room, Beyoncé come here". My father said as I stop nervously biting my lip. Walking to stand in front of him he looked me over.

"Are you okay?". Grabbing his hand I smiled walking us to the door. "I'm fine".

Walking upstairs I wanted the room that showed the beach. But Aiden already had it when I walked in.

"I want this room, get out". I whined putting my bags by the door.

He turned around before shaking his head.

"But this is the only room that has a balcony". I whined pointing to the sliding door.

"I got here first so it's mine". He turned to me smirking.

My lip quivered as I nodded grabbing my things about to walk out the door but bumped my dad.

"Hey what's wrong princess? Why are you crying". He asked as I tried to speak but it would only come out like hiccups.

"Aiden? What did you do?". He asked as Aiden stared at me.

"I-I wanted this room but he wouldn't switch". I choked out as I bit my lip.

He laughed. "Beyoncé really, your being so dramatic right now their are other rooms it's not the end of the world". Turning to my father I shook my head. "But I want this one".

Turning to Aiden I walked up to him as he sat on the bed. Grabbing his hair he hissed as I pulled him on the floor.

Straddling him I began to beat on his chest and slap his face before he grabbed my wrists.

"Beyoncé!? What the hell, I was just playing with you I had your bags I was putting your clothes in the closet I know you like the water so I got up here first to help you". He shouted trying to pull me back.

Feeling arms wrap arm my waist I turned around seeing my father. "What's going on with you". He asked staring at me.

"I'm fine, you can go now". I snapped as he shook his head.

"I'm gonna get killed by you before the baby comes if you keep acting like this". He said looking at himself in the mirror. "Look at all these red marks".

"I can't help it, it's just mood swings". I pouted as he pulled me into a hug.

"I love you baby girl". He said pulling away pecking my lips.

"I would definitely love you too baby boy if you fuck me". I smirked looking up at him.

Thank you for reading my book I love ya

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Thank you for reading my book I love ya

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