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About Us


Dear Journal, sorry its Jason again, I am currently 18 years old now I am in college. I have new friends (I call him bro) his name is Jack, he's a... playboy. I also have a girlfriend, her name is Brittney she likes shopping, fitting, makeup ang she always like to talk about herself like every girl does! Well I'm sorry I have to pick up Brittney. OH! I almost forgot she's impatient too BYE!


Door opens...

"Why are you late?! You know i hate being late right?!" Brittney shouted.

"I'm sorry Brit i was just--" before I could finish my sentence Brittney interrupted...

"Let's just go okay?" and I just nodded.


Dear Diary,

I'm so sorry for not writing for a long time well its because we MOVED houses and I hate it, I need to go to different SCHOOL, I hate it because I don't have any friends there, I don't know the teacher there and I AM A NEW STUDENT!!! Well now I'm 18 years old and I'm going in college and my section will be jewel, what a stupid section EVER!!!


"JEWEL YES!!!"I shouted "we are classmates again guys!" I continued.

"I know there will be a lot of hotgirls there!"Jack said happily.

Brittney laughed and said "you know you're always right when we are talking about girls right? Haha"

Jack replied "so...I'll be right if I said you'll be mine huh?"

"BRO!!!" I said in a childish voice.

"I'm just kidding bro *haha* she's all yours!"

It's already edited.


LOVE at First SIGHT [Completed/Editing]Where stories live. Discover now