ℂ𝕙 1. 𝔸 ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕖

Start from the beginning

Azura knew she couldn't die like this...not without a fight. She forced herself onto her paws and went for the attackers neck. She took a good nip at it, but was pushed back onto the ground.

"Azura!" Two voices shouted her name. She knew those voices..

"Azura!" Her father called out for her and she turned to see her parents running her way. Her father tackled the black wild cat to the ground and her mother walked over to her and stood in front of her for protection.

Azura was glad her parents were here, she knew her father will take care of the black wild cat. She heard a twig snap and she snapped her attention to the side. More black wild cats gathered around them and began to corner Azura and her mother.

"When I give you the signal...you run as fast as you can." Her mother said sternly and gave her a serious look. Azura was going to protest against the idea, but the way her mother looked at her made her not.

The black cat that was fighting Azura's father had just pinned him down. Azura's mother grew worried and looked down at her daughter.

"Run as far as you can, do not wait for your father and I to catch up. Go!" Azura's mother yelled and gave her daughter a push. Azura slowly limped away and tried her best to run fast. She stopped once she heard her mother cry out in pain. She felt rage build up in her body and turned back. She jumped on a boulder and watched as her parents fight for their lives against a pack of Panthers.

"Mom! Dad!" She cried out to them. Her parents turned when they heard their daughters call. They ran straight for her and blocked her away from the Panthers.

"Azura! Why didn't you listen to me and run.." Azura's mother snapped and Azura bowed her head in guilt.

"I'm sorry." She whimpered, but a laugh made her focus her attention to the leader of the black Panthers. He had a scar across his jaw which made him look even more scary.

"Did you really think you could hide your daughter from me Busara?" The black panther asks Azura's father.

"Leave her out of this Giza! If you're really as strong as you say you are then we can handle this; one on one." Busara growled over at Giza. Azura was afraid for her father, he was already weak from fighting a whole pack of Panthers.

"I could, but I like it better seeing you suffer." Giza mocked as he signaled for his pack to attack. Azura pushed past her parents and the Panthers stopped as they saw the tiger cub's eyes glow blue. They watched as she snarled her teeth and got into stance.

The clouds above the jungle began to swirl around them and grow darker. Azura let out a vicious roar that was like sonic waves as it sent the panthers back several feet. Giza was the most shocked out of all of them as he looked at the young cub, he saw the tigers in the clouds roaring as well, and it sent a new feeling in his body.

Azura gasped as she watched what she just had done. How did she do that? She thought.

Her parents were scared for their daughter as they saw the wanting look in Giza's eyes.

Giza's pack was weakened and he was left standing alone. He smirked towards the white tiger then mockingly bowed his head.

"Until next time." He said and Giza and his pack retreated. Azura was relieved and scared at the same time. Giza was coming back, probably more prepared than ever. What did he want with Azura?

𝕂𝕚𝕠𝕟'𝕤 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥Where stories live. Discover now