[0] Author's Note

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Hello lovely readers, thank you so much for picking this book! I really, really appreciate the opportunity and hope you enjoy your experience. I apologize in advance for any errors (grammatical or otherwise) and assure you that I will be making continuous edits throughout to fine-tune the story as needed. So if you spot something while reading, don't hesitate to point it out!  

I expect this story to be approximately 45-60 parts, give or take. Since I've plotted most of it out, I'm hoping to stick to a consistent posting schedule. It'll be every other Tuesday, if I'm backed up that week then Friday but let's hope that's not the case!

I've created a sorts of style palette for the main characters (+ supporting ones), so we can become familiar with them, please have a look :)

||Madeira-Jade Hayes||

Madeira-Jade wears whatever she finds appealing at the moment, though she tends to gravitate towards black and red

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Madeira-Jade wears whatever she finds appealing at the moment, though she tends to gravitate towards black and red. She usually gives off rocker vibes (due to the amount of black and red in her closet) but sometimes she'll feel like a change is needed and wear softer clothes. Her signature clothing item is a pair of black combat boots. 

[The girl pictured above is Claudia Alende.]

||Atticus R. Martin||

Atticus  chooses comfort over everything, always

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Atticus  chooses comfort over everything, always. For this reason his signature clothing item is a pair of black sweats (no matter how much Jay asks him to change). He wears mostly sweaters and hoodies in various shades of blue but will occasionally don some denim when feeling adventurous. 

[The guy pictured above is Joshua Anthony Brand. Credit to @electric_forest for telling me who it is! Thank you.]

||Jay A. Martin||


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