Season 1: "The Monster And The Willow"

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[?]- Irene doesn't know their name yet
Hope you enjoy~

I walked into the main area and noticed Stella and Flora arguing.

"What's going on?"

Bloom exited her room as well.

Stella: "Flora is overdoing it, as usual!"

Flora: "I'm just carrying out a couple of experiments. I've got an exam soon."

Stella: "Hunh! No kidding! You've been going on about it for a month!" She then began to mock Flora. "I'm going to use the powers of flowers to thwart the witches evil spells."

Bloom: "So, what's wrong with that?"

Stella: "Hah! What's wrong with that? In case you two haven't noticed your rooms have become a humongous chemistry lab."

Flora: "Irene and Bloom gave me permission, and what's more they said they'll help me study."

Bloom: "I've already passed the simulator test, so..."

Stella: "Yeah! Some test!"

Bloom: "Hey! I took on Icy, Darcy and Stormy. It wasn't easy."

Stella: "I know, I'm sorry, Bloom."

Bloom: "Don't worry about it. I know you're all a bit nervous."

Stella: "Don't worry about it? You should see my room! Argh!" We walked into her room. "Okay. I gave Flora permission to put her flowers by my windowsill because they need alot of sunlight. But then, she spread herself out and put a bunch of Melanoma Varicosa..."

Flora: "Mimosa Vainatosa."

Stella: "Whatever! I mean... She put them right next to my mirror, Bloom and Irene. My mirror!!!"

Flora: "Well it's normal. They feed off reflected light. Your mirror is huge, so it's perfect."

Stella: "Argh! And you think..." She pointed to the plants that were wearing her clothes. "This is "normal?"

"What's wrong?"

Stella: "They're trying on my clothes!!!"

Flora: "That's why they're called "vain"-atosa!"

Stella: "I don't care what they're called! Make them stop right now! Ooh! My clothes! Ahh!" She walked into my arms and began to whimper. I wrapped my arms around her and began to laugh. "Irene, my beautiful clothes!"

"Stella, it's not that bad."

Stella: "Oh yes, it is. They're wearing my shoes. They're even using my make-up! And look at them! They have no taste whatsoever! Their outfits don't even match!"

"What do you expect? They're just plants."

Flora: "Tecna doesn't complain about it." She left Stella's room and walked inside Musa and Tecna's room. "Hi, Musa. Have you seen Tecna?"

Musa layed on her bed while reading a book.

Musa: "No, haven't seen her since this morning."

Flora: "Are you guys having any trouble with my plants?"

Musa: "Huh? What do you mean? We have plants in our room?"

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