BackStory: "Day Of The Horror's"

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[?]- Irene doesn't know their name yet
Hope you enjoy~

[?]'s POV

"The child visits the Royal Gardens every single day. Most of the time she is alone. That is when we strike."

I turned to see my brother with earbuds in his ears. I sighed before grabbing a can off the table and chucking it at his head.

He grunted before yanking the earbuds from his ears.

Jesse: "What do you want now?"

"You weren't listening."

Jesse: "What's the point, Cadenza. We've went over this plan over and over. It's getting annoying."

"Just listen one more time." He sighed before nodding. "Since I am the Queen's secretary we will be able to enter and roam the Palace freely without looking suspicious. Once we get to the gardens, we grab the girl and teleport back here. For the next few weeks or even months we need to lay low and pretend to be in destress. We are taking the next "ruler" of Irequel after all."

Jesse: "What if the blonde brat from Solaria is with her?"

"She's a child. She probably hasn't started training with her magic yet. All we have to do is tell her that Irene's parent's want to speak with her. She won't question it."

He nodded once again before turning in for the night. I began to imagine myself taking Ingrid and Israel's place on the throne.

A sinister smile appeared on my face...

Irene's POV (3-5 years old)

"Come on, Stella!"

Stella: "Alright! Alright! Why do you have to be so bossy!"

I pouted before raising my hand and pointing at her.

"I am not b-bossy! You always make me go shopping with you!"

Stella: "Hmph!"

I laughed before grabbing her hand and dragging her to the gardens. Once there, we began to look at all the flowers. I ran through the field before sitting down. The petals are so soft!

As I continued to touch the petals I noticed a shadow looming over me. I turned to see Phil! He's a super strong guard that protects my parent's and has been friends with Dad for the longest! Phil sometimes takes care of me and makes the greatest cookies!


He smiled before sitting down next to me.

Phil: "You're always in the gardens. You would probably stay here all day if you could."

"I can't help it! The flowers are so bewtiful!"

Phil: "You mean, Beautiful."


He sighed before smiling once again. I heard footsteps behind us and turned to see Miss Cadenza and Jesse, her brother.

Cadenza: "I'm sorry to interrupt your time with the Princess, Phil. His and her majesties has requested to see their daughter."

Phil nodded before standing on his feet and turning towards me.

Phil: "I'll have a plate of cookies ready with your name on it once you're finished."

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