Chapter Eight: Fox and Raven

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Something was happening.
There were people rushing through the corridors, searching for something.
"Where's Moth!?" A woman yelled.
It was hard to tell what was going on, only that everyone was evacuating. Now was his chance to escape, he had been alone in the White Room for hours. Fox shifted, swiftly running past the man opening the door.
"Get back here! Project Fox is loose!" He yelled. A lady grabbed him up, only to be blinded and paralyzed by a bright blue light. Whatever it was, it paralyzed everyone, even Fox. When it was over, he shifted back, looking for anyone that was still awake. Everyone was unconscious. Except for one person, a dark skinned, dark haired girl with bright green eyes.
"Hi. I'm Fox, what's your name?" He said.
"I'm Raven. Do you know what happened?" She asked.
"I'm not sure. I think we should check for other people." Fox said.
"No, we don't know when they will wake up, we need to get out of here." She said.
"You look familiar," He said.
"Must be a coincidence." Raven shrugged it off.
What if she was...
"Hey, keep up, we need to go." She said.
"So, what do we do now?" He asked.
"Well, we need to survive. We need food, water and shelter. That's all I know." Raven said.
"Ok, then let's go get food. I can shift and catch some animals." Fox said.
"Or, we could focus on shelter and eat wild onions." Raven explained.
"Yeah, that sounds better." Fox said.
Building a shelter isn't as easy as you might think. Especially to people who hadn't been out in the world for a long time.
"How about these?" Fox asked, holding out some sticks for Raven's approval.
"Perfect." She said.
They found a rather large tree and decided to lean sticks on it for cover. It would work for now.
"We could shift and be able to fit better in the shelter," Raven suggested.
"Yeah, that's probably best." Fox said.
He soon learned to follow Raven. She was two times older than him, smarter and was a good leader.
It was finally done, a comfortable, warm shelter that could easily fit the two.
"Goodnight Fox."
"Goodnight Raven."

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