Chapter Seven: Emyris and Esmeree

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He destroyed everything. The town was obliterated in a bolt of thunder. Everyone except for Emyris and Esmeree were dead.
"What did I do?" Emyris cried.
"I didn't want to, I swear,"
"I'm so sorry Emyris. I couldn't stop you. I'm sorry, this is all my fault." Esmeree said.
She hugged her twin, trying to console him the best she could. They sat and cried together until the sky was dark.
There was a sound, someone approaching the two.
"You! You were the ones that did this. Didn't you?" A man said.
"You killed my family, my wife and sons were in there!" He cried. He was distraught, every tear spilt said so.
"We are so, so sorry. We can't control it. We didn't want to, I swear." Esmeree said.
Emyris was silent. He couldn't say anything.
"Sorry can't bring my family back!" He cried.
"And now, I'm going to catch the ones responsible for this,"
"Sir, please. It was an accident," Esmeree said, backing away.
He got closer and closer, grabbing a shard of glass.
"Emyris, I think that we should run. Now!" She said.
He looked at her, and they ran. They ran and ran until it was almost sunrise. They stopped at the beginning of the woods of Io.
"Esmeree, What do we do? I killed so many innocents back there. I'm dangerous. Maybe I should be in prison." Emyris said.
"No. That was an accident. It was my fault for not stopping you. It was terrible and we can't erase it, but we can learn how to control it." She suggested.
"But, how? We don't even know why we have these powers. How are we supposed to control them, Essie? How?"  Emyris exclaimed.
"I think we should live here, in the woods. We can work on our powers little by little. And no one lives in those woods, we will find a way." She said.
"Thanks sis. You always have good ideas." Emyris smiled.
He still felt this guilt. It weighed him down. He knew that he had killed all those innocent people. How could he live with himself knowing that he ruined their lives?

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