Halloween & The Big News

Start from the beginning

"Hey, what's your fucking problem?! You've been rude to me and Dean all night!" I exclaimed.

"My problem?! My problem is everyone thinks I can't handle kids or something! I can!" She screamed, standing up.

"I didn't say that! Dean didn't either. Your just acting..different." I tried lowering my voice.

"Well fuck you. I'm leaving, I trust your gonna watch them?" She grabbed her purse and stormed down the stairs.

I tried following her but she was already gone.

Nikki and Dolph got up early and made their hangover breakfast. Dean and Roman were the only ones who needed it.

I furrowed my eyebrows as Maddy was nowhere to be seen at the table.

"Hey..Where's Maddy?" I muttered to Dean, who was loading eggs on his plate.

"Texted last night and said she was staying at a hotel. Haven't heard from her since." He whispered.

"Fuck.." I cursed, hurriedly eating my food.

"Good morninggg!" Roman And JoJo giddily came down the stairs.

"You two are awfully cheery this morning." Nikki commented, taking a sip of coffee.

Roman snickered, "Well I had a nice wake up call."

"Alright alright, we've got little ears in here!" I say, getting up and setting the kids in their carriers.

"Leaving already?" Finn asked, taking care of his and Cathy's plates.

"Yeah..gonna go try and find Maddy." I shrug, gathering my things before leaving. I borrowed Dean's rental car to drive to the one hotel in a 2 mile radius.

I knew Maddy, and I knew she was staying there.

"We gotta find out what's wrong with your god momma." I tell the kids as I pull into the parking lot.

I place them in the stroller and head inside.

I try to think of an excuse as to why I'd need someone else's room key.

I approach the front desk, the clerk looks at me expectantly.

"I'm terribly sorry about this sir, but uh, I lost my room key. My phones in the room, and Maddy's asleep. Would you mind giving me a spare?" I frowned.

"I'm sorry ma'am, the room that was ordered only had one bed, plus she said she wasn't expecting any visitors." He raised his eyebrows.

"I'm her fucking girlfriend!" I scoff. "I'm surprising her with our kids, and your telling me I can't see her?!"

"Those are yours? Together?" He questioned.

"Well duh." I rolled my eyes. "So can I have a spare? Please?"

"Alright, just don't tell anyone that this happened..I'd lose my job." He whispered, handing me a key.

"I won't," I smirked. "Thank you."

I got onto the elevator and shake my head, "Some men are idiots."

I headed to the third floor and unlocked the door, walking in. The TV was on, playing Dirty Dancing. Good movie.

Maddy was half asleep on the bed, junk food all around her. Pickles, chocolate, and popcorn?

"Madddyyyy...Wakey wakey!" I throw a pillow at her, waking her up.

"Fuck..Harper? How the hell did you get in my room?!" She groaned.

"Told the guy we were together and these were our kids. Gave me a key." I shrug. "So, I see you've been having a good time, watching movies and eating."

I sit on the bed, "You wanna tell me what's been up with you?"

"I-I've been so stressed out, Harper. And then with this added on, I know I've been a bitch." She sighed.

"Not just a bitch..a RAGING bitch." I laughed.

"Oh shut it," She nudged me. "I feel bad I've been snapping at Dean. I don't mean too, it's just one wrong thing he does and I get so angry."

"What could it be?" I questioned. "Tell me."

"Well I..uh..took a pregnancy test a few days ago," She revealed. "And I'm pregnant."

My eyes widened, "YOUR PREGNANT?! AHHHHHH!"

I tackled her on the bed, squeezing her tightly.

"Yes..I can't believe I'm going to be a mom." She let out a deep breath.

I couldn't believe it, my best friend was pregnant!

- - -
Maddy's got some exciting news and an explanation as to why she's been so grumpy🤣and the gang had a good Halloween! Only missing one person..we might see him soon 👀thanks for reading :) 💛

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