Chapter 16: USJ

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When Midoriya woke up, he knew something wasn't right. The stain of blood on his bed spoke for itself. And the moment he got up he realized how serious it was. He took of his pajama shirt, which had blood all over the stomach area, and realized that the wound had been bleeding. The stitches weren't there anymore, but the wound was closing.

- *Don't worry, you're not bleeding anymore* - said Venom - *Due to the energy we had to spend yesterday, the process might take about an extra hour. You might spit up a bit of blood, but you'll be okay*

- Ok, then - said Midoriya - I'll have to tell All Might if I could go to USJ a bit later with a teacher or something.

Midoriya got to the corridor, still with his shirtless pajama on, and went to All Might's dorm. When he got there, he knocked on his door, and All Might opened.

- Is there a problem young Mido... - All Might stopped when he saw his wound - Oh...

- Venom says he needs more time to heal the wound. - said Midoriya.

- How much? - asked All Might-

- About an hour - answered Midoriya - Would it be possible for me to go to the USJ a bit later with a teacher?

- No problem - said All Might - I will get you there when you are healed. Your classmates will need about 40 minutes to get there, and I can get us there in about 5 minutes, so you would lose less than half an hour of class.

- That's perfect All Might - said Midoriya - But don't worry. When I am fully healed, we will show you that our speed isn't inferior to yours. As for the class, when will they depart?

- In about 2 minutes - said All Might looking at his dorm's clock - Enough time for me to call Aizawa.

- Ok, we're all aboard, let's go - said Aizawa when everyone besides Midoriya was inside the bus that would take them to USJ.

- Aizawa-sensei - said Todoroki - We're not all aboard. Midoriya is missing.

- I know - said Aizawa with a tired tone - He's had a problem with his wound and will be joining us later. Now let's go. - he said as the bus started moving.

- Well, he better not be too late, or I'll kill him! - said Bakugou.

- Bakugou-chan gets angry a lot. If he's like that as a Pro Hero, he won't be popular at all. Kero. - said Asui.

- WHAT DID YOU SAY?! - screamed Bakugou.

- See? - said Asui while pointing at Bakugou. This caused him to make an angry face, but he sat down and started looking through the window.

 This caused him to make an angry face, but he sat down and started looking through the window

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- Speaking of Midoriya... - said Mina - What do you think about him?

- I think he's a good guy - said Kirishima.

A reborn Deku - My Hero Academia & Venom CrossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora