Chapter 14: Love and Revenge

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The next morning Izuku woke up in the infirmary of the dorms. Recovery girl was filling up a formulary by his side, but when she realized she had woken up, she smiled at him and then went out of the room. 3 minutes later, Principal Nezu, Aizawa and Toshinori Yagi (All Might in his true form) entered the room and closed the door.

- How are you feeling boy? - asked Toshinori - You had a pretty bad injure.

- I'm feeling ok, - answered Izuku - The cuts on my arms and leg are healed, but this is strange, because normally a wound like this one should have completely healed up already, and I still have it

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- I'm feeling ok, - answered Izuku - The cuts on my arms and leg are healed, but this is strange, because normally a wound like this one should have completely healed up already, and I still have it.

- Recovery Girl has been trying to heal it - said Aizawa - But the only thing she has been able to do is stop the bleeding and stitch it. But it doesn't close. - explained Aizawa. In that moment, Venom came out.

- Actually, the wound is healing... - he said - But for some reason my power doesn't affect it as it should. But if my calculations are correct, then by tomorrow morning the wound should be completely healed up. But I admit this is freaking me out. The fact of me not being able to heal a wound isn't normal, and I suspect that maybe it's because of the composition of the sword. When it pierced us, I couldn't sense any known metal on it, and maybe this was because it was a Quirk sword, and not a metal sword.

- That could be it Venom-san - said Nezu - some Quirk alter the biochemical composition of the body, some maybe his sword was a mix of substances which you can't heal as fast as the rest. I guess it's mere coincidence.

- That's what I was thinking Nezu-sama - said Venom - but please, just call me Venom.

After this, they asked Midoriya some other questions, like if he knew the suspects, if he knew the reasons, etc. Midoriya just answered all of them as well as he could. After this, the teachers left the room to let him sleep. But he couldn't.

- * If we hadn't fought those guys, our friends wouldn't have been in all that trouble yesterday * - he thougt.

- *If only we had killed them...* - said Venom - *We could have saved our classmates a lot of problems. Who knows if they won't escape again from prison?* - Suddenly an idea crossed their minds simultaneously.

- * I agree * - said Midoriya, as he got up from bed.

All Might was in his dorm in the teachers' wing of the complex, when someone knocked on the door. All Might immediately took hold of his muscular form before opening the door.

- Oh, It's you! - said All Might with a smile on his face - Please come inside.

- Thank you - said Midoriya as he entered his Sensei's dorm.

- Well - said All Might while closing the door and regaining his real form - What do you want boy?

- Well, you see Toshinori-san... - said Midoriya, addressing All Might by his real name as he did when they were alone - I've been thinking... Is it possible for those criminals to escape prison again?

A reborn Deku - My Hero Academia & Venom CrossoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang