Chapter 18: USJ Pt.3

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- Midoriya, you take care of the students left, I'll take on that thing - said All Might.

- I'm on it! - said Midoriya as he used his super strength to perform an enormous jump and land on top of the Mountain Zone, where Yaoyorozu, Kaminari and Jiro were having a hard time, as they had beaten everyone except for a Villain which was holding hostage Kaminari, who had used too much his Quirk and was now half unconscious. Seeing their friends in such a peril, Midoriya's blood began to boil. He jumped down and launched a tentacle of black mass from his fist, which when stuck to Kaminari, he used to pull his friend away from the Villain, only to land in front of the last one after that.

- Midoriya! - shouted Yaoyorozu.

- You... Are going to pay... - said Midoriya and Venom as they caught the Villain by the neck and lifted him from the ground, as in that form he was as tall as Nomu.

- Die! - shouted the Villain as he unleashed his electricity at Midoriya.

- AAAAH!!! - shouted Midoriya, only to turn the scream into a laugh - AHAHAH! Did you really think that was going to stop us? An attack like that is nothing! - he said as he threw the Villain up onto the air, only to catch him by his legs with a black mass tentacle and smash him onto the ground, causing the Villain to pass out. He then turned towards his friends - Are you guys okay? Can you move? - he said.

- Yes, thank you - said Jiro.

- Okay, then go to the entrance, but don't get near the Central Plaza - they said as he jumped to the Fire Zone's dome, from where they saw an ice path going out of the Landslide Zone, signaling Todoroki was okay, and Koda and Tokoyami getting out of the Windstorm Zone.

- Okay, then this is the only remaining zone - Venom said as they punched the ceiling of the red dome which covered the Fire Zone to open a hole on it, only to see Ojiro on top of a small building, surrounded by Villains. He was holding on as he could, but the Villains were outnumbering him. Midoriya landed by his side.

- Hey guys! Care to help me a bit? - asked Ojiro with an exhausted smile.

- Let's kick their asses! - said Midoriya and Venom as they began to punch, kick, and throw Villains, coordinating their moves with Ojiro's thanks to their super sense. When the last Villain was Knocked Out, and they were outside the dome, as Ojiro was the only one remaining that they knew of, they grabbed him and made a super jump over the Central Plaza to land at the entrance, where the rest of his classmates were. Well, almost.

- Where are Bakugou, Kirishima and Todoroki? - they asked.

- They are on the Central plaza, but they can't get here because of the fight! - said Shoji.

Midoriya looked at the central plaza and realized why. All Might and Nomu were exchanging hits at and incredible speed, generating wind waves so powerful that no one could approach them. Suddenly All Might sent the Nomu flying, only to jump after him and throw him back onto the ground. As he landed back too, he prepared to deliver the final blow.

- Hey villain, have you ever heard these words? - said All Might as he prepared to put an end to the fight - Go beyond! PLUS ULTRA! - he shouted as he landed an incredibly powerful blow on Nomu, and sent him upwards. But as the Nomu was sent flying, Kurogiri took his chance and placed a portal on his route to cause the Nomu to crash back onto the floor next to All Might, causing All Might to be sent crashing on a wall.

- Good job Kurogiri - said Shigaraki - One second later, and we would have lost. Nomu, finish him! - he said as the latter was getting up and recovering fast. Then Nomu charged at All Might.

- Shit, I can't move. That hit was too strong - thought All Might - I hope that at least my death gives them enough time for the rest to arrive and save the students...

Nomu arrived to where All Might was, and prepared to deliver the killer blow. All Might closed his eyes and hoped his students would be allright. But the punch never arrived. Instead, he felt a strong wind wave. Surprised, All Might opened his eyes and saw Midoriya still in his form, standing in front of him. He had stopped Nomu's punch with his hand.

- How dare you... - said Midoriya and Venom - How dare you to try to kill All Might!!!

In that moment, Midoriya liberated all his rage, and Nomu was sent crashing to the fountain. Kurogiri had just the time to teleport him and Shigaraki out of the way.

- Amazing... - thought Shigaraki smiling under his mask - I knew you were interesting kid, but matching All Might's strength...

Nomu got up and made a strange shriek at Midoriya, who roared back at him and dashed at him performing a roundhouse kick which sent Nomu flying backwards again, but this time he recovered in midair with a backflip, and the second he touched the ground, he launched himself at Midoriya trying to punch him, but Midoriya just dodged to the side as he caught Nomu's arm and pulled towards him while he performed a small jump to land his feet on Nomu's chest, only to tear his arm of his body and then launch the Nomu backwards.

- How'd you like that, heh?! - said Midoriya and Venom. But they quickly shut up as the severed limb was growing back - What the hell?! - he shouted as he looked at Todoroki, who was now next to All Might along with Kirishima and Bakugou.

- He has multiple Quirks. We know they are "shock absorption" and "super regeneration" - said Todoroki.

- Understood! - said Midoriya and Venom as they charged at Nomu, which had just recovered the entire arm, and charged at them too. They went into a straight on fight, but they realized that that thing was truly designed to match All Might, so continuing to fight like that would only end up with all of them dead. They jumped backwards as they gave Nomu a kick on the chest to throw him back a bit, and then jump at him again. But this time they used One for All. Nomu punched them on the stomach as they punched him on his head. They felt the punch, but they were able to block it thanks to the defense that the black mass provided them. Nomu, on the other hand, froze for a moment as he received the punch next to his exposed brain. That detail didn't go unnoticed. They suddenly realized that his physical appearance wasn't only his strength, but also his weakness. His exposed brain was his weakness. The next punch that Nomu tried to land on them was dodged, and suddenly Midoriya and Venom grabbed his arms and torso from the back with an incredibly strong hug. Nomu tried to escape, but there was nothing he could do because in that moment, Midoriya and Venom took a bite at his brain and tore it up. Without brain activity, his Quirks couldn't act, and he was not able to regenerate. They suddenly felt that Nomu loosed all his strength, and they left him go. Nomu fell frontwards to the ground. He was dead. But Midoriya and Venom still had the piece of his brain that they had bitten off, and for some reason, it made them hungry. Before being able to give it a second thought, the swallowed it. The taste of the blood and the meat just felt delicious to them. They wanted to try some more, but in that moment, Shigaraki caught their attention.

- Hey, hey... - said Shigaraki - What's happening? How is the kid as strong as All Might?!

- What happens Shigaraki? - said Midoriya and Venom as they got next to All Might - Didn't you say you'd kill All Might? Well then... - he said in a low, horrific voice - Do it if you can.

- Kurogiri... We retreat for now - said Shigaraki as the mist gathered around him - But don't misunderstand, I may have failed this time, but we'll be back. And then, it will be you, Midoriya, the one to suffer the most...

After this, they both disappeared.

A reborn Deku - My Hero Academia & Venom CrossoverWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu