For Starters....

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  • Gewidmet Directioners

I'll just like to start by saying, this is not a story to babble on about how much I love One Direction. Although I do consider myself a Directioner, I don't like to drown people with my obsession. This story has a lot more to it than just five adorable (and very talented) boys. It's a story about hope, faith, and love. Three very important things that I like to instill in my life. So if you're not a big fan of these UK boys, don't feel like this isn't a story for you, I try my best to make sure to open my stories to different types of readers.

Something else to add to my previous comments: I pray with all my might that this doesn't turn out cliché. It's so difficult to come up with a good fan fic without it coming to sound like everything else you might've read. But again, I like to be unique. That, my lovelies, is my goal.

Not to mention, I do my best to be as geographically correct as possible. All the different places that Audrey goes, I make sure to read a little bit about it and be as accurate about the town/city/country as real as possible.

I LOVE comments and votes. Connecting with my readers is what I strive for, so please never hesitate to tell me what you think as the story progresses.

Also, I won't be uploading a whole lot since school is starting. But then again, knowing me, I'll probably write during class, so yeah, we'll just have to see.

And I'll love to dedicate a chapter to you, so make sure to message me! :) 

xo AC Leon

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