"Right now," he smiled.


Pulling my face towards him, he said, "I love you."

"I love you too," I told him. A huge smile spread across his face, he kissed me.

"I could listen to you tell me that a hundred times a day," said Nick.

"Let's stick to twice a day for now," I replied. "Maybe three times if you're good."

He nodded. "I'll take it."

He moved so he laid on his side, saying, "I talked to my ex-girlfriend about you."

Excuse me?

Is the first thing he did when I didn't tell him I love him was call her? And what did he tell her about me?

Reading my mind, Nick said, "It wasn't like that. I bumped into her at the gym."

I said, "Oh. And what did you tell her about me?"

Not that I really cared what she thought about me, but I did want to know what he tells other people about me.

"I told her about how great you are and how much I love you," he explained. "She's happy for me."

"Oh, okay." That's good I guess.

"You don't have to worry about her trying to get back together with me or anything," he added.

"And why is that?"

"Because she's a lesbian."

Wow, didn't see that coming.

"Is she okay with you telling me that?" I asked him.

"Uh," his brows knitted together, "I think so, but it's just you. You're not going to tell anyone, and I doubt you know her."

How does he know I don't know her? I could. "Maybe I do know her. What's her name?"

"Crystal," he said.

Wait, Tasha's girlfriend's name is Crystal.

Everything began to click together and it became more mind blowing by the second.

Nick thumped my nose. "What are you thinking about??

"I think her and Tasha are dating." Maybe I shouldn't have told him that, but if she came out to him then maybe it will be okay. He told me she was a lesbian first.

He was silent before nodding, "That doesn't surprise me the way it should. Tasha seems like she would be Crystal's type."

What type of alternate reality have I stepped into?

My boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is dating my best friend. The fact that I have a boyfriend, that loves me no less, is unbelievable to me in the first place.

Charlie jumped on the bed from the floor carrying one of his stuffed animals in his mouth. He laid on the end of the bed and rested his head on top of the chewed up otter that Nick bought for him. The scratches from when we first got him are almost completely gone and he'd plumped up to a healthy size.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Nick asked me.


He chuckled. "I should have known the answer to that before I asked. What movie do you want to watch?"

"We can finish watching Fast & Furious," I said.

"Really?" He looked shocked, "You want too?"

"Well now that I've watched it. I can't just stop at the first one." I have to see what happens now.

"Maya Scott, you are the love of my life."

"Ditto," I replied. He began kissing me all over my face, making me laugh.

"Nick," I laughed, "The movie."

He sighed, "Right. I'll go get it."

While Nick went into the living room to get my laptop and his DVD set, Charlie crawled into my lap. Since Nick has come back, he's stopped acting like a psycho and gone back to being his affectionate self.

"I'm glad you've stopped acting crazy," I said, bringing him into my arms. Petting him, I loved the feeling of his soft fur between my fingers. He touched his nose to mine. "I thought I was going to have to replace you with a puppy."

"You would never," Nick said coming back into the room, balancing the laptop and dvds in one hand and a bag of chips in the other.

I looked at Charlie's cute face with his eyes closed and listened to his purring. "Maybe not, but he was skating on thin ice."

"We could get a dog," he said coming to sit next to me.

"Hah, with what space?" There's barely any space for Charlie's things, and dogs are a lot more high maintenance than cats. But I don't know how true that is, because Charlie requires a lot of care and attention.

He set up the movie. "I guess you're right, but I think Charlie would like it."

"I don't think he would like to share the spotlight." I wouldn't rule it out though. "Maybe when I get a bigger place."

Then I would have enough space for all of us. Me, Nick, Charlie, and maybe a dog.

"That sounds great," he grinned.

Nick put his arm around me holding me close. He smelled like himself, but also a little like me. I wondered if we lived together would that be his new scent? And would I begin to smell that way too?

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Nick asked me.

"You," I replied honestly. Extending my neck, I kissed him gently and slowly.

"When I first met you I thought you were so cool," he said between kisses. "I could barely talk to you. Sam wouldn't stop making fun of me for it."

"No way," I said in disbelief. "You thought I was cool?"

The first time I met Nick in person, of course I thought he was gorgeous, but I didn't think much of him. I knew he had a girlfriend, and I didn't think he would be my type anyway. In my eyes, he was just another preppy rich boy.

Smiling, he said, "Yeah, I also thought you were really hot."

"Do you still think that?" I mean after seeing me naked his mind might have changed.

"Hell, yeah. Like I told you before you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"You know I've already slept with you, you don't have to butter me up with compliments."

"You're right," he nodded in agreement. "You should be buttering me up with compliments. I should have played more hard to get, and now you think I'm easy."

"Is that what I think?"

"And I think you should take me on a date too. You should court me a little bit."

"I already told you I love you isn't that enough?" Geez, you tell a guy you love him and then he starts making all these demands.


I slapped his cheek playfully. "Let's watch the movie and then we'll see what I can do."

Nick smiled, cheesily. "Fine. I expect flowers."

Okay, now he's just being high maintenance. "Would you like some chocolates too?"

He said, "No, I wouldn't want to put you out." Oh, how considerate of him.

After pressing play, I leaned back and rested in his arms. "Try not to talk through this one okay."

"I'll try."

Thank you to the people that wished me a Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, leave your comments below.

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