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I had left Grayson's house a while ago, walking back towards the school to get my car. It wasn't that far of a walk, we used to do it almost every day sophomore year. The dark was settling in, the cars had cleared out of the parking lot besides for the potheads who were making their own hot box in the backseat of each others cars.

I slid my backpack onto my right shoulder, digging through the front pocket as I continued to walk down the street.

"Yooo Lillian!"

I turned to see Mike Posner sitting on the passenger's seat door. I chuckled, waving to him as I stopped.

"I totally owe you for letting me copy off you in math, you wanna take a hit?"

"I'm good Posey but thanks" I chuckled, waving him off.

"You're one cool chick, Rustner" he laughed, slapping the hood of his car before sliding back in through the window.

I shook my head, a small smile on my face as I walked towards my car.

"Hanging out with druggies these days?"

I rolled my eyes as I walked towards my car, "no, Dolan, I haven't stooped to your level just yet" I answered sarcastically, ignoring the kid leaning against my car.

"Can you get off my car now?" my tired eyes trailed toward him as my elbow became propped up on the roof of my car, my opposite hand holding open the door.

He lifted his hands in defense, backing away slowly.

I sighed, glancing at him one last time before shutting the door. As I turned the key into ignition, the door swung open. My eyes grew wide as he climbed into the seat, the air getting stuck in my throat as he buckled his belt.

"Ethan" I mumbled, my eyes still wide, "what are you doing"

"Getting a ride home" he shrugged.

I scoffed, "Like hell you are"

"We can wait, we're gonna be here tomorrow anyway" he shrugged, "that also means your stuck with me all night"

I rolled my tired eyes at his smirk, watching him look into the backseat.

"Hey remember when we f-"

"OKAY" I yelled over him, backing out of my parking spot quickly, causing him to laugh.

As his laughter died out, the car ride became silent, besides for me cursing out the closed road that would make our ride about twenty minutes longer.

I couldn't take the silence, it would give him a chance to speak at any moment. I hit the radio, I'll Be Good by Jaymes Bay played softly.

I watched the cars roll by, becoming engrossed in thought as the flickering lights passed us by. As I fell deeper in I seemed to forget how his hand had become rested on my thigh, back to the place where it always used to sit. Remember when you used to hold hands beneath the old willow tree in your backyard and talk about senior year? When he would run his fingers through your hair as you looked into his dazzling hazel eyes. When he would lean in ever so gently, trying to capture the moment with a k-

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