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"Babe, don't worry, I only love you"

"She means nothing"

"Why are you so worried?"

Each stupid phrase he said with his signature grin, one that I've tried hundreds of times to erase from my mind.

The cold water caressed my cheeks, dripping slowly back down into the sink. I took a deep breath, tying my hair in a bun while I stared at my reflection in the foggy bathroom mirror.

I wiped the water from my cheeks, something I've gotten used to. The crack of the door caused my eyes to shift from my own to the reflection of a girl with tear stained cheeks. 

She sniffled, walking up to the sink beside mine. I scanned her face for a moment, furrowing my eyebrows. She fumbled with the sink, hitting the top of it, trying to get it to start as she muttered things to herself. A black trail dripped down her face and right below her chin. 

"Um" I said softly, clearing my throat, "are you alright?"

She looked up at me with an 'are you seriously asking that' look.

"Sorry, stupid question" I corrected, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What happened?" I asked, leaning against the sink. She shook her head, cleaning her face with the water before a scoff found her lips. 

"Just my douche of a boyfriend cheated on me" she fake laughed, tears filling her eyes again, to which she attempted to blink away.

I walked into the stall and grabbed toilet paper for her.

"Thank you" she sniffled, dabbing under her eye with the paper, "I can't believe I was so stupid"

"I get it" I said softly, rubbing her arm. I wasn't going to tell her it would all be okay, I wasn't going to downsize her problem. Why? Because I went through the same thing and that was the last thing I wanted. I just wanted someone to listen to me. 

"How did you find out?", she sniffled, rubbing her nose. 

"I was on his phone snapchatting" she chuckled, I could tell she was reminiscing what happened, "and then he gets a text from a girl named 'Clara'"

She raised her eyebrows after saying the girls name.

"So, naturally I was curious and clicked on it" she started the tear up, I took the paper from her, wiping under her eyes, "he's been cheating me pretty much since the beginning"

I exhalled, nodding my head slowly. I returned the paper towel to her, the gears turning in my head as my soul bubbled with anger. 

"What did you say his name was?" I asked, standing straight up.

"Jason" she scoffed. I nodded, picking up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

"I'll take care of it" I said softly, walking past her. 

"How?" she chuckled, I turned back to her, "what could you possibly do?"

I held the door, a small smile on my face.

"Una bella vendetta" I said before exiting the bathroom.

I looped my thumbs beneath my backpack straps, bracing myself for any unwanted encounters.

"Lil!" a voice called from behind me. I turned around to see the small latina jogging towards me.

"Hey Lace" I smiled, waiting for her to take my side. She stopped short, walking at her normal pace towards me, her smile was large. 

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