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"Lilian!" my mom called from down the steps.

I adjusted my necklace and walked down the wood steps, hearing them creak underneath me as I hit the middle of each of them.

"Can you take Mason to school today? I have to run to work and your father is going to be in the firehouse all day" she asked, grabbing her keys and bag on the counter.

"Yeah sure" I said, grabbing an apple.

"Ready to go, big man?" I asked. Mason nodded, jumping down from his chair.

"Bye mama!" his soft voice said, placing a slobbery kiss on her cheek.

"Bye Mace" she chuckled, kissing my cheek next.

"See you around..." she said, looking at her watch "6:30 for dinner?"

"Sure, I'll order pizza" I shrugged.

"Awesome, love you" she said, walking towards the door.

"Love you too!" we said in sync.

As the door shut, I turned to Mason who was walking towards the door. I reached down to grab my backpack, placing my computer in it, and then grabbing Mason's from on top of the counter.

"Ready freddy?" I asked, handing it to him.

"Mhmm" he nodded, his hand motioning for mine. I smiled, reaching down so his hand could wrap around my pointer finger. Mason was 5, turning 6 in a month or so. We walked out of my house and towards the car, a grey acura.

It wasn't the most stylish of cars but it did its job.

I buckled Mason in before walking towards my side. The drive to his elementary school was five minutes from the house and two minutes from the high school. We listened to the Frozen track, his favorite movie currently, only getting two songs in before he got out.

"Bye Wil" he said, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"See you soon big guy" I smiled, hugging him and watching him walk towards the double doors. As soon as he was safely inside, I got into the car and put on my music, which was pretty upbeat.

I parked my car, waiting for Lacey in her usual spot behind the school. There was a large oak tree that no one ever bothered cutting down because of how big it was. I sat underneath, scrolling through instagram before feeling a slap on my knees.

"Hey!" I chuckled, looking up at Lacey.

"You said you would tell me what happened!" she yelled, crossing her arms.

"It's out?" I smirked, checking my phone.

There it was, the email containing all the evidence of what a lying and cheating asshole Jason Marks was.

"C'mon, we have to see what everyone is saying" I said, pulling her arm and running towards the building.

We walked in calmly, everyone stared down at their phone as they read the mass email from the unknown source.

"Oh my god"

"Marks got screwed"

"Damn, what an asshole"

"Who sent this?"

I watched everyone whisper, feeling a smirk crawl across my face as Jason Marks strolled through the hall.

"Marks! Guess you can't keep your dick in your pants!" a senior shouted, Jason's face full of confusion. The same senior walked up to him, shoving the phone in his face as Jason read the messages he had sent.

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