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"AAND I PUT-A THA PASTA IN-A THA POT-A!" I yelled, mimicking a thick Italian accent as I paraded around the house with a fake mustache on.

Mason howled with laughter, the purest sight, as he watched me. He loved when I did stupid accents.


"MWAH!" I said.

"Mwah!" he giggled.

"MAGNIFIQUE" I smiled, taking off the fake mustache. I placed a small amount of sauce on the tip of his nose, causing him to giggle as he grabbed his face.

"I'm home!" my mom said, dropping her bag.

"Mama!" Mason cheered, running towards her.

"Hey Mace!" she laughed, wiping the sauce off his nose.

"Wiwl made pasta!" he laughed.

"Oh! What an amazing chef!" she chuckled, placing Mason back on his feet. I leaned against the counter as I watched them sit down.

I stood up straight, walking over to the pot and giving everyone a plate.

"Mom?" I asked as I made my own.

"Yes?" she asked, placing her napkin back on the table.

"Can I go out Wednesday and Thursday nights?"

"Um" she chuckled, "what for?"

"On Thursday the girls are going shopping for a party on Friday" I looked up, stopping her from arguing, "I'm not going to the party, don't worry"

She nodded, settling back down into her seat, "and what about Wednesday?"

"Um" I said, scratching the back of my neck, "Lacey and her boyfriend invited me to go mini-golfing with them"

My mom wasn't too keen on the idea of me hanging out with Grayson after Ethan and I broke up, even though he never did anything. She just didn't want a chance of us all hanging out at the same time.

"Oh, who's her boyfriend?" she asked the question I've been dreading.

"Grayson" I said softly.

I heard her fork clatter against her plate, but I kept my head down.

"Lilian-" she started.

"Mom, please!" I begged, now looking up, "Grayson is the sweetest person and he knows how I feel about Ethan, he wouldn't do that to me"

"They are twins-"

"Grayson isn't like Ethan" I cut her off.

She scoffed, picking up her fork again, "whatever you say Lilian"

I tapped my fingers against the marble, biting the inside of my cheek.

"So can I go?" I asked softly.

She picked her head up, her eyes burning into mine, "Yes"

I nodded, taking another bite of my food before placing my dish in the sink and walking up the stairs and into my room.

I ran my fingers through my hair, as I paced around the room, letting small shaky breaths wisp through my lips.

"Let it go, let it go" I whispered, releasing the grip I had on my hair.

I sat down in my chair, spinning aimlessly as I looked up at the ceiling.

The sudden buzz of my pocket brought me back from my intrusive thoughts. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, letting my eyes adjusting to the white screen.

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