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My finger danced over the enter button, feeling the sinister smirk crawl across my face as I imagined his world crumbling before him. He would be nothing, a nobody. He would feel hate and the excruciating pain of heartbreak. Actually, that's a lie, he doesn't have a heart to break.

But maybe, the black hole in his chest will feel a tug, knowing he isn't as important anymore. And maybe, just maybe, he might feel regret.

I could see them torturing him as he walked the halls, and then, I will announce it is me. I will tell everyone I was the one the took the infamous Ethan Dolan down. The one who ended his reign over West Morris Central High.

"Fuck you" I whispered before pressing down on the-

"Lil!" a high pitched voice called to me.

"Hm?" I answered, far more distraught. I could feel the disappointment sink in knowing it was only a dream.

"I said are you still in for tonight?" Cameron asked with wide eyes.

"I don't think so" I stuttered, trying fake my dejection.

"Aw why" Maia asked, frowning a little. I could feel my heart break again for her. She powered through the last couple days, her social status remained the same however. She just seemed more... broken.

"I have a huge project I need to work on" which wasn't a complete lie.

"Aw... well good luck" she said softly, smiling to make me feel better.

I felt a buzz in my back pocket, my hand retreating quickly towards it.

"I'll be right back" I said, not caring if they nodded or not.

I felt the excitement boil in my throat as I lift the screen again, watching it fade as I glanced at the unknown email address.

Email from: unknown

I slid it open, feeling my heart rate pick up as I scanned over the words.

I've come to an understanding that your recent quest is taking down Ethan Dolan, and all I have to say is good luck... along with a proposition.

I want to help.

I will help you gather information that you need, the things that not many people could come across. Evidence that has been built up for this exact moment.

All I ask: keep my identity a secret.

For all I know you have started to track it right now.

If you have, I will know, and everything you will do will become a whole lot harder.

- D

I reread the email about a hundred more times, shaking my head as I sucked in every word, trying to decode the last sentence.

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