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VERITÀ Strikes Again!

Breaking news from early this morning, yet another victim has been added to our masked heroes online reign. Yes, another person, Maia Ward, has been exposed this fateful morning, showing every gender is vulnerable to their tirade

Yet, he or she has left us with a clue in finding how to get to them. Along with the iconic message, 'La Bella Vendetta', she sent from an unblocked email. Have they gotten lazy, or is this our new source of help?

Will their fame increase or will people start to see them as the monster?

And yes, as spotted by the title, we have given our vigilante a name. From their obsession with the Italian term, we have decided to play by their rules and given them one that we think best suits them.

So now one minor questions nag at us; is it a he or she?

And the major ones could be a make or break; who are they? And who is their next victim?

I chuckled as Lace read the post, making faces at stupid parts of it.

"I actually like the name" I shrug, placing both feet on the ground.

She nodded, locking her phone.

"So how are you gonna reveal you gender" she mocked, causing me to laugh.

"I don't know, probably something elaborate" I shrugged.

"Anyway, Grayson is coming to pick us up soon" she nodded, standing up.

"Got it" I nodded, wiping my hands on my thighs.

My computer gave off a new ring, causing me to turn around, my eyebrows raised as I dragged my chair over to the screen.

"Guess you already have a new taker" Lacey chuckled, looking over my shoulder. I furrowed my brows, clicking on the email.

"Or not" I scoffed, my eyes growing wide at the message.

Images of Maia and Kyle smiling was sent, dozens of them when they dated, I would know, I took some of them.

"You must love fucking up relationships, I wonder the reason... has it happened to you?" Lacey read aloud.

"Maia" I said, looking at the email.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, blocking her email and turning off my computer. I stood up slowly, letting a shaky breath pass my lips.

"Lil..." Lace started, placing a hand on my shoulder, "you can't let that get to you, she fucked up her relationship, not you"

"I-I know" I struggled to say, "but I still fucking hurt her"

"No" Lacey said, walking in front of me, "she wouldn't have cheated if she actually loved Kyle, you showed him what he was dealing with and helped him get out of a toxic relationship"

"I-I don't know" I said softly.

"I know everything isn't as cut and dry as everyone says it is" she said lifting my chin, "but you did the right thing, he had to know"

I let out a deep breath, nodding slowly.

"Okay" she smiled, her phone buzzing after.

"Grayson's outside" she nodded, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I love you" she said against my shoulder.

"I love you too" I agreed, letting go.


"HOLE! IN! ONE!" Lacey screamed, running around as Grayson and I watched her run around like an idiot. His arm leaned onto my shoulder as we shook our heads lightly, chuckling at the girl screaming around us.

"Should we remind her that she hasn't made any others in?" he whispered, causing me to snicker.

"Nah" I shrugged, "just give her this one"

Our eyes met, causing both of us to laugh once again as Lacey started to calm down.

Not gonna lie, when I first got into the car the silence was unbearable. No one knew how to pick up where we left off. I twiddled with my thumbs, staring out the window, then he finally spoke up and everything seemed to fall back in place.

I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket, my hand immediately retreating to it as I excused myself from the couple. My thumb tapped the screen, reading the notification, my eyes growing wide.

Email from Mallo...

I slid my thumb across the old picture, replacing it with my white email screen. I checked my surroundings, holding my phone close to my chest before staring back at the small font before me.

Email From Mallorey Tristen:

Hi, I need your help

I felt a small smirk crawl across my face as the name beckoned to me. I could feel my heart race with excitement as I realized: this is my chance. I could finally get revenge on the kid that broke hearts for a living. The one that loved to see me shake under his glare, that loved to see me try to retreat for his touch even though he knew I wanted it more than anything. The one that broke me, that excelled from my shattered heart.

I could finally end the one. The only.

Ethan Dolan.


an; heyy long time no see :))) now we see where the plot starts to unravel...

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