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Verità Starts New Conquest!

Within the week we have seen her take down not two but three people in her conquest to rid the school of cheating liars. However, today was a little different. Without using her usual use of technology- and yes, you heard us right, Verità has come out as female- she exposed an unusual suspect.

This morning, Ethan Dolan had faced the wrath of her expedition, except she made it clear 'this was only the beginning'. Using spray paint and a couple unfiltered pictures, our female fatale decided to expose our newest victim in the most efficient way.

By placing the pictures in the female gender sign and spray painting the message, 'this is just the beginning' leads us to believe she is not through with Ethan Dolan. Many suspicions have also arose that he had done something to provoke this anger.

Is this just a coincidence, or is Ethan Dolan finally seeing everything come back to him?

The one this we do know, however, is this isn't the last we see of her.

I smiled down at my phone, the recent buzz has been great. People explaining how they want Ethan taken down from everything he has done. Others defend him by saying the girl came onto him. I rolled my eyes at the excuses.

The picture was at the top of the page, right above the headline. By now, the custodians would be painting over it and the pictures would be ripped down. It was fun while it lasted...

"Fuck" I mumbled, feeling the pain in my shoulder. I whipped my head around to see what I had just bumped into.

"Watch where you're going, Dolan" I seethed, turning away.

"Did you do this?!" he hissed, grabbing ahold of my wrist.

"What the fuck, no!" I defended, hitting his arm, yet his grip tightened. He dragged me down the hallway, confused and judgemental stares finding me as I tumbled behind him.

"Ethan get the fuck off!" I finally stopped, ripping his hand off of me.

He crossed his arms, steam practically seeping from his ears.

"I know you have a connection with verita" he said sternly.

"Verità" I raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever" he said waving the air, "but I know you know her"

My face remained stern as I looked at him, "Who told you that"

"Corrin, when... uh nevermind" He mumbled, running his hand over his smirk and down his chin, causing me to mentally gag.

"And if I did" I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"How did she get the pictures?"

"Probably from one of the other hundred people you fucked with?" I asked sarcastically.

"I know it was you-" he said, his voice raising before he looked around, his voice coming back to normal, "I need you to tell her to take it down"

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