chapter 9

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Tee's POV

"Jesse could you just not let it happen. Do you promise and swear to always have my back as the bestest friend I ever had and also to never let anything that I don't want to happen to  happen  me and anything good that I want to do you will support me?...and-"

"Hold up this oath is kind of long and I don't thinks oaths start like that. Anyway I still promise, now let's get back to class" Jesse said opening up the business textbook that he was given the day before.

"You know it's kind of easy when you get the hang of it-- Tee...Tee what's up?" He looked at me with those eyes

"Jesse my mum keeps on talking about my big day and how everything will be better, how I'll enjoy myself and how she hopes I get a good man, and I'm not that kind of girl. Jesse l don't want-no- I don't need a man to comfort and take care of me 4m fine on my own. I don't even like the thought of it" I said honestly.

"It's okay Tee... but you know you have no choice 'cause you can't escape the ceremony and if you do... There isn't an if you do you can't but don't worry if you get cold feet on the day l won't hesitate to pick you so we'll be okay alright?" he placed his hand on my shoulder and l nodded in agreement

"Now lets get done with this Business you have Geography next and I'm also kind of hungry" Jesse said trying to clear the air but I knew one thing I will never forgive myself if I make Jesse pick me but if not Jesse - and l don't manage to escape- l don't know what I'll do...

*** *** *** *** ***

"You're wetting the bed with your disgusting sweat" l knew that sound, that tone of voice from anywhere

''Shut-up EVAA" I have to get out of here. I'm sick of it. I looked at the alarm clock and it was 4:05am, the beast is still asleep. I thought as I hatched my next genius plan.

I ran to the bathroom and got out my black blow drier and rapped the wire up so it won't spoil the surprise.  I adjusted my grip just how Jesse taught me to hold a gun-- he knew because it was part of their training in the system-- and began to make my way towards the stairs, marching downstairs silently so as to not create a very horrible embarrassment for myself.

There is only one way this can go which is... I threaten him like a their even though thieves don't really exist anymore, but he will still be scared that I am armed and then I get him to leave the house or I'll blow his head off then he runs out  without realising it's me (*wink wink smiley face*)

Halfway down the stairs I realised my face was open and I could easily be identified,so I was about to run back up to get my pantyhose. I realised it really would not matter so I just continued down the stairs I could see him lying down on the couch. It's game time...

I approach slowly and carefully. When I got to the couch I pit my weapon over it and lowered it towards his head and when it was close enough I said loudly and as sternly as my voice could muster up, as I let the weapon budge his head a little...well just enough to wake him

"Wake up!!, I got a gun and..." I was flying over the couch?.

I gasped as I watched it all happen in slow motion. He grabbed my hand,slapped out the make believe gun then he grabbed my nightie shirt, got on his feet and dragged me over the chair pinning me down by sitting open legged over my lower abdomen holding both my hands over my head.

At that moment I did what any feminist warrior will do under such pressure...I let loose...I broke wind...Yup I farted and it wasn't silent, nope the universe did not love me that much. It was loud but it didn't  stink luckily but I'll tell you what it did...It enhanced the face of the beast...

"Sorry,I'm sorry" I said as I felt my cheeks redden.

He looked at the weapon he had slapped away and by the motion of his eye brows I knew he had realised that it was a blow drier. Then I saw it,his lips curving into a cute but very annoying smirk which just aggravated the situation...

Yes it will be hard to get angry after farting but I had to fix this situation...


Hey guys,
Sorry about the slow updates I had a lot of homework... I will surely try harder to update on time. We have reached 250 views which is quite exciting its all thanks to you guys. And all if you who voted and recommended I love you guys too...

I'M OUT 😉😉

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