chapter 4

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They are all standing there watching me and all I can think is how do they feel . I know mum is happy and it's not only because of the plastered smile on her face but also because she invited everyone...I mean everyone- to my home for this going away party. Yeah I am going away to my doom and they are throwing a party... I don't even know how that is meant to make me feel.

I was forced into hugs and my kidnapper I expected them to hate as much as I do was welcomed with bright smiles and handshakes and even some hugs what rubbish . I escaped the hugs I could but all the ones I couldn't escape came on like 8 in 1 so I practically hugged everyone .

She should have just announced it on the news if she was going to call my whole lineage. There was demetry,my older brother that I don't like talking about, Grandma,the only person I actually like, aunt Mercedes and her son lucas,who was in his 5th stage and was also a bone head and these were the only one I knew but I could see that some of the neighbours were here and probably grandma's friends. Grandpa wasn't there because he was dead, before I was even born,of cancer according to grandma.

After all the forced hugs, we had a huge dinner obviously cooked by mom,then everyone including him sat down in the lounge room.

" So what made you want her so much you could pay that much for her" my stupid brother asked

" I don't know, but immediately she climbed on to that stage I knew I wanted her no one more or less" he said smiling Yeah that why you brutally embarrassed Tanya. Lets just say I don't believe what he's trying to imply

More and more similar questions were asked and couldn't take it anymore

"so what drew you-" Mum was asking before being abruptly interrupted by yours truly

"Can I be excused, I've got to get...stuff" Everyone that was discussing turned and all eyes were suddenly on me-unfortunately I didn't wait for an answer and just left immediately.

I finally reached my room and started making a mental list of all the items l didn't want to forget- my DHM, my twenty-first birthday present from Jesse- made specially by him and his smart brain- a spray on dress,my favourite top... okay tops... okay fine my whole wardrobe or at least the better half of it that can enter the small box l'm using.

After closing my box I took the DHM
that my mum gave me and began to glance through some of the pictures from my first birthday, me, demetry, mum and dad around my cake. My second birthday, the third with me stuffing my face with cake. The day I was recruited and my first day at the system meeting Jesse . Jesse and I laughing and playing in the grass...

I stopped swiping when u noticed how wet my face was. I did not realise it was happening. All this was building up to this day. The beginning of the end.

How can they relate with him so freely. Is it just me that feels this way. I began to cry harder, I knew it wouldn't help anything but I just had to let some of it go...


Ezra's POV

I am so tired of all the questions they're throwing at me,how am I meant to know those kind of things about a girl I just met today- her bra size? seriously? Are they kidding me.

Her folks were not bad and her mom is a really great cook so I have no doubt in tee when it comes to the kitchen-which reminds me,we'll have to go someday...

"So when do you think you'll come here not only two but three",

When Tee's mum, Marissa asked this question all the ladies in the room began to giggle and look at each other and I knew it was time to leave so I just gave the usual smile- handsome by the way, not bragging- and answered

"When ever my wife is ready" she smiled back at me but before she could ask any other question I got up

"It's really getting late . Thank you Marissa and Daniel for your hospitality. The meal and the party were both amazing and meeting all of you was great but I have to get Turquoise home. It's been a long day for her". I should know

"Aw, I'm so happy my Tee got a wonderful and caring young man like you. Let me just get her down--"

"No- don't worry I'll get her down myself" anything to get away from all the questions. I slowly turned around and started walking towards nowhere-

"It's to your left, up the stairs,three doors down" she giggled and went back to talking with the ladies.

I had followed the instructions down to the second door when I began to hear sobs,deep sobs and as I got closer they got louder. I pressed my ear on the door then knocked,then the sobs stopped.

"Turquoise are--"the door flew open before I could finished making me jump back slightly- hopefully she didn't notice- and there she was in the door post.

Her eye lashes were still a little wet, her eyes red and her lips- almost unnoticeable- but they trembled. She just stood there in front of me not even looking at me-- which was cute because she was like 5.9 and I was 6.1 but it didn't change the fact that she was crying-- I looked at her when I noticed her hands wrapped around a small box

"Let me help you with th-"

"I don't need your help" she interrupted as she walked past me leaving me there in the hallway.

I hurried after her catching up on the stairs where everyone stood waiting for us to come down. We all watched her decent, dragging her belongings down...

Her mother was in the crowd moving closer to her, as she finally reached the landing and I was coming behind her I was thankful that her mother would calm her down at least until her mother stepped forward arms wide for a hug and Tee shoved her shoulder and pushed past the rest of the crowd then she was gone.

Am I really that bad? All eyes turned to me as I stepped on the landing and said goodbye for both of us then headed towards the door.

As I made my way to the car I stopped in my track when I felt a soft hand wrap around my wrist, I turned to see Marissa

" Make sure you take good care of our girl"

I gave her a small smile to reassure her that I would not let anything happen to their daughter.

"Just be patient with her she'll come around" she smiled and turned back towards the house where I could see a faint highlight of Daniel Schuller by the door and gave him a curt not before walking to the car.

When I entered the car she had slouched in her seat facing her window looking up at the stars. As I backed out of the driveway I knew this drive was going to be even more silent than the last...


I hope you guys have been commenting on everything...I mean everything. Hope you are enjoying the book too.

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Thanks for reading. I'M OUT.

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