chapter 2

42 12 2

Ezra's POV

I just got seated and the girls are filing in on stage and none has really attracted my full attention and they
all half naked!... If this continues i might just have to pick at random and ma-

"Who is that?" I whispered to myself inwardly acknowledging the bodily features of this girl,no this lady- defined curves, tommee was really flat you could even say toned, her bust was not too big and not too small just moderate , beautiful butt,admirable hips that swayed as she walked to her position and that was only probably just half of it, I mean sure her face was not too clear from where I was seating but I knew that she was beautiful. 8 could at least see her long dark brown hair that looked so silky I immediately attained a fetish. I knew immediately I wanted this one for myself at any cost necessary. I couldn't wait for the auction to begin.


Tee's POV

I can't wait for this auction to end, can't it go any faster maybe fast enough to skip me What? A girl can hope. Luckily it's been 20 minutes and now it is only one girl that's standing between me and death and five that were skipped before her whose prices couldn't be bargained.

"Tanya Russel, the bidding starts at 2 thousand zets" the hosts voice echoed through the sound system.

Two thousand? that's quite low for how beautiful she looks or made herself look with make up. I already explained a little of how the auction works and I did mention that it was according to physical features that's why the lucky ones are high priced and the unlucky, low. I guess this girl knew what she was facing. As for me I think I fall a little on the average side

"Two thousand and ten zets" a voice screamed from the audience. That's not nice he could have at least gone a little higher

"Five thousand zets" this voice was way deeper than the last but it sounded as though it was not even intended but the host didn't think about that when he heard it

"Yes, you there in the black face cap" then the guy looked up and he was actually kind of cute. He got up slowly as though he wasn't even happy about keeping the girl he was paying so much for. "Youre the lucky new partner of this girl. Please come forward and claim her" the host finished looking into the crowd with a smile that was so wide it made him look demented.

I looked at Tanya and I could see so much hope in her eyes but I also saw a pinch of doubt, how can she not think she was worth that much and even more...

"Sorry, no" the cute guy finally spoke in his stern deep voice stunning the poor host. This has probably never happened to him before

"No?" Was all that could come out of his mouth

" Yeah, sorry but I don't want her there's been a mistake. I truly am sorry for the inconvenience but, no" he sat back down was it just me or did he just look at me letting the host apologise for everything and started Tanyas' bid all over.

How could that man do that to her. I took a look another look at Tanyas' face and see the tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. It was bad enough that she had to be there dressed in as little as that and her bid started that low but even though it was a mistake it's not as though she is not as qualified for him as any woman on this stage. I'd hate to see the poor beauty that would belong to that very handsome beast--what I'm only human.

"Turquoise schuller, the bidding starts at a hundred thousand zets!"

Oh stitpockets my bidding is starting, turns out the girl,Tanya ,was taken by some mediocre guy and I watched as they left the area through the side double doors. At least since my bidding started high it would be out of the budget of that...that...I don't even have a name for him yet. I will never ever ever ever never ever never ever...NEVER want to be owned by such an inconsiderate animal like that guy--yeah the one standing up right now-- he's so...

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