80 - Protect

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Protect. In a world of monsters,

Man-eating giants, and those who kill

Their wives and children, then themselves,

There are the ones upon the road

Who'll stop and listen with kind eyes

Or bequeath a magic comb

Or a saying old and wise

Who give humanity, instead

Of taking, the woodcutters

Who hear the cry for help, and follow

The daughter who takes the scraps of love

And sews them into clothes that ward

Away the cold, yes, all of those

Can save a life, show us the road

Where all our hearts will intersect

With the truth within our bones:

In a world of monsters, we must protect.




(A/N: We've been shaken this year in Australia by our fifth news story of a man who has methodically murdered his family. I do not think these men start as monsters, but what they do is monstrous, and I guess this poem was me struggling with that and how we're meant to react as a society and as people).

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