2 - Red

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You have big, big eyes
Larger than life, a smile
That spreads, wolflike, that shows teeth.

Girl in a monster,
Monster in a girl
You walk like your legs
Are ten feet tall, you laugh
Like you have no care in the world, you live
Like people's eyes don't follow you, you dare
To be greater

Sharp ears and a sharp tongue
All the better to talk you out of
Something you should be doing, and
All the better to talk you into
Somewhere you shouldn't be.
All the better to hear
All the things that you shouldn't
All the better to see
Everything not for you.

(Because they don't say it out loud)
It's just there.
The words the weight the expectations
That you let pass you by
When they tell you not to leave the path
So you walk off it.

Fierce heart, kind heart
Trusting heart beating,
Off the path you'll find your own path
And walk it with your big eyes,
Your teeth, your wolflike smile
Your sharp ears and sharp tongue
Your gentle hands to help your friends
Or carry a basket through the woods
I wish you all the very best;
May you find your flowers.

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