61 - In the Beginning

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Her hair was sunlight
Her skin a rainbow
Holding all the colours of the world.
They called her alien
And drove her out
With rocks and sharpened sticks
With words and ugly tales
Until she became a myth.

A story to tell young children
A monster in the shadows
With all-coloured skin, the mother
Of storms and predators
To gobble them down, but
All the while, the woman walked
Away, leaving the place that had tried
To trade stones for her blood. She went instead
To found her own world
To give each race a shade of her colours
So they worshipped her when they came together
At last, a goddess.

(A/N: All right, this one is technically more a creation myth than a fairytale, but I couldn't resist).

The Fairytale WakesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ