73 - The Ugly Sister

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I was a rose too, back when

We were younger and everything

Was brighter. People called me

beautiful too, and it wasn't until

We started bleeding that people

looked at me differently, saw only

a homely face, no longer

a beautiful little girl, no matter

How I chased, not wanting to be the kind

sister or the hardworking one,

The smart sister or the brave, I'd tasted

Beauty and I wanted it back, but

Their eyes told a different story; the petals

fell one by one, starved of the sun

Until there were only thorns.






(A/N: I feel compelled to state I don't agree with the protagonist of this poem - I feel sorry for her, but definitely think she could have picked another path rather than wishing for what was and not valuing anything else over beauty. I guess it's easy for me though - my sister is beautiful, much smarter than I'll ever be and is changing the world... and I'm so damn proud of her and proud to be her sister. Her beauty is the type that makes you want to strive to be a better human being. I'll always think that's true beauty over the type that is mean and makes you feel ashamed or envious.

Sorry, will get off my soapbox now. Thanks for reading!)

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