25 - The Dragon is Dead

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Put it down, my love. Put the sword down

And let your animal body rest

In my arms, my love, you don't have to ride

Across the scarred plains,

Or into the smoke

My love, the dragon is dead

The dragon is dead, my love, my love,

It lives on, I know. It lives on in your head

I see its fire through your eyes

When you wake after sleep

The scream lodged in your throat

Like a fishbone.

But the dragon is dead, my love, my love.

The kingdom is safe and regrowing.

And I'll keep saying the words, as long as you need

Me to say them, as long as you need to hear:

The dragon is dead, my love, my love

The dragon is dead. The dragon is dead.




A/N: I'd like to dedicate this one to the men and women in uniform around the world, everyone who has ever fought to protect others, and their families. Thank you - I see you.

The Fairytale WakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora