Chapter 30: You learn something new every day.

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They walk the twenty minutes back to the carriage, when they get there, Sera and Corben, who were obviously not expecting anyone, are getting much better acquainted again and are currently making out on the cart.
Alexander spots them from about forty meters away and puts his arm out to hold Seb back for a moment, he whispers to him.
"Wait, stop... Look at that..."

He looks at them.
"Hah! Oh shit yes, well... She's your daughter alright!"
Alexander glares at him disapprovingly.
"Are you calling my daughter a whore, Sebastian?"
He holds his hands up defensively.
"No... Well maybe... Just look at her, that's shades of you right there..."
Alexander rolls his eyes.
"Mhm... And you! Listen, I was just wondering how you think we should approach them? We are dads after all and its our responsibility, nay our duty to embarrass our children... So, shall I do the fake angry dad? or will we just take the complete and utter piss?"
Seb thinks on it for only a second.
"Oh, spoilt for choice... Hm... I want to see angry dad Alex... Then... Right, as soon as they both look scared, we fall the floor laughing... Sound good?"
Alexander loves the sound of that.
"Heh, perfect! Right, let us go... I will go first, you walk behind me semi aggressively too with an annoyed face, that might make him shit himself... It will be worth it though..."

Still sucking each others faces, Sera and Corben don't notice Alexander and Seb approaching, Alexander clears his throat trying to look as angry and imposing as possible with his arms folded. Sera and Corben look around and see them both walking angrily towards them, Corben already looks a little scared.

Sera looks a bit scared now too.
"I... Um..."
He marches over to them.
"Get your filthy fucking hands off of her!"
She tries to defend him.
"Daddy... It's not-"

A: "I do not care what it is not Seraphina... Although I can clearly see what it is!"

Corben starts shifting around uncomfortably, trying to put some distance between himself and Sera. Alexander storms up to him grabs him by the scruff of his shirt.

A: "YOU... ARE NOT to touch her again... You hear me?!"
He looks terrified.

Alexander looks at both Corben and Sera's terrified faces and is having trouble keeping a straight face. He can't help but snigger, Seb does the same. Still holding Corben's scruff, he bursts out laughing and looks at Seb who is already giggling.
"Pah! I cannot keep this up anymore... Hahah, their faces are just priceless, Seb... Great idea... Hahah!"

Seb starts properly laughing as Alexander lets go of Corben's scruff and walks off, his sides splitting.
"Hhahhhaahhh! You guys are great sports... Truly..."

Seb claps his hands a few times
"Good show guys... Hahah!"

Sera looks annoyed and Corben looks confused. She shouts at them.
"Fuck you guys... Seriously..."
Corben looks at her for answers.
C: "What... Just happened?"

A: "Language Seraphina! Hahah... I wanted to literally scare the shit out of you for your uncles and my entertainment and for the sake of embarrassing my daughter, I was not disappointed... Thank you Corben for playing the frightened rabbit!"
Sera cringes.
"And I fell for it too... Please don't do that again, dad..."
Alexander stands proud of his prank.
"I will do whatever I please sweetheart... And when I get the opportunity to embarrass you, I will always take it..."
Sera then raises her voice, quite pissed off.
"You'll probably ground me for this... But you're a total asshole, dad, you too uncle Seb!"
Seb is still trying not to laugh.
"Hah, I know... It's so fucking fun. You should try it sometime."
Alexander then pats Corben on the back too.
"Exactly. Sorry to scare you Corben, I honestly do not disapprove. I just thoroughly enjoy taking the piss and you both made it so very easy!"

3: An Unconventional Happy Ending.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant