Chapter 13: Becoming dad.

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It's a little over five weeks later and winter is in full swing.
Seb and Hadriana are finished preparing for their upcoming arrival. Eleanora was right, the last few weeks are the hardest. Hadriana is so big now that she can barely move comfortably, she's only five feet two, she doesn't have the gift of height that Eleanora has, so baby has no other option than to grow outwards. With only a week or two to go, she's very uncomfortable, she's currently lying on the couch, reading a book because there's little else she can do, then she gets an itch on her leg that she simply can't reach.
She loses her temper with it.
"Right... I have well and truly had enough of this... Shit now!"

Seb is in the kitchen making lunch, he hears her grumbling and shouts through to her.
"What's the problem now?"
She tries to stretch and reach it but it's not happening.
"Itchy leg... Cannot... Reach!"
He groans, a little frustrated himself.
"Ugh... Hang on..."
He marches through to the lounge stands over her.
"Which one is it this time?"
She points to her left leg.
"Left, just under the knee. And enough of that attitude mister... This is your fault you know..."
He scratches her leg for her.
"Yes... Because I forced you to have sex with me... On multiple occasions..."
She rolls her eyes, she knows he's right.
"Agh, alright... Point taken... I am just so uncomfortable, how much more can this fucking thing grow?! I can literally do fuck all and when I am not doing that, I am constantly pissing or eating... Your sister was right... These last few weeks are the absolute worst!"
He teases her.
"Well, I'm practically your nursemaid now, so I want it to hurry up too..."
Her head flops back.
"Ugh... Two more weeks, unless it comes late."
He just keeps teasing because if he didn't, he'd probably lose his mind.
"Please Gods, no..."

Just as he says that though, almost like the Gods had heard his plea. A big whoosh of liquid floods the couch as her water breaks. She looks down at it, not entirely sure what to make of it. His eyes open wide in mild fear.
"Well... That actually worked... Apparently..."
He runs his hands through his hair, gripping it.
"Oh shit... Oh shit... Oh shit."
Thankfully she keeps a level head.
"Saying 'Oh shit', over and over again, is not going to help... Go and get me some pain relief please? This is going to start hurting soon... Thankfully your sister told me what to expect... At least I listened..."
He's still reeling.
"Damn, right... I'll be back soon. Do you want me to fetch anything else while I'm away?"
She glances at the wet couch.
"Well a few towels would help right now..."
He facepalms himself.
"Yes, damn it... Of course! Hang on..."

He gets her a couple of towels, dumps them on her before he runs out of the door. She stands up and attempts to clean up but it's futile, instead she just lays the towels down on the couch, takes off her soaked skirt then lays back down again. Seb rushes to Sylvanus and gets the healing potions and pain relieving tonics. Then walks back with them, he walks back in the door and Hadriana is lying, skirtless on the couch reading her book again.
"Is... Everything alright for now?"
She looks up, completely unfazed.
"Yes actually, no pain yet... Just wetness..."
He puts the basket down on the table.
"Well can you at least get up and go to the bedroom? I'll finish cleaning up down here."
She gets up and her tone suddenly changes.
"Alright, I will be waiting for you..."

He grabs another towel and walks over to the couch to start mopping up.
"Alright... Why?"
She walks over to the stairs.
"I am quite turned on right now... Cannot explain why..."
He can't even fathom that at this moment.
"Seriously?! Your water just broke and you're thinking about sex?"
She gives him that look.
"Mm, a little bit yes..."
He raises an eyebrow.
"Damn it, what's wrong with you?!"
She shrugs.
"I do not know, you are just really sexy?"
He shakes his head.
"Nice try... Get up there then and if you still feel... In the mood, then I'll see what I can do but I can make no promises..."
Her head is elsewhere though.
"Mmh, do not take too long..."

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