Chapter 12: Telling the family.

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Seb and Hadriana do indeed spend most of the afternoon in bed, getting reacquainted. Seb then looks out of the window and sees the sky getting a little darker, he decides to get up and get dressed. He then looks at his watch and it's almost five in the evening.
"Is it that time already? Damn it, are you still coming with me to see Eleanora?"
She sits up and watches him get dressed with a cheeky little smile on her face.
"Of course... I wish we could just stay in bed for the rest of the evening though..."

He turns to face her after putting his shirt on and catches her enjoying the view. He gives her a cheeky smile.
"I'd honestly love nothing more that that too. But needs must, my love..."
She sighs when he calls her 'My love.'
"Mmh, I can feel goosebumps whenever you say that to me..."
He knows what she's saying but decides to be cheeky anyway.
"What, 'needs must'?"
She gives him a mirthless laugh.
"Oh haha... You are so fucking funny, Seb... Forgive me for trying to be charming..."
He chuckles at her dramatism.
"Hah drama queen, I know what you meant... Come on then. Put some clothes on and get ready, we can leave in ten minutes or so..."
He gathers his things together and finishes getting dressed, she does the same, getting dressed warmly and putting on her black hooded cape before they walk out of the door. It only takes them a minute or so walk to reach Eleanora's house, Seb knocks on the door.

Alexander answers while holding Sera, his expression changes from calm to conflicted when he sees Hadriana.
"Good afternoon Seb and... Hadriana? Oh damn it..."
Her eyes light up upon seeing him again too, she likes the shorter hair on him.
Seb grimaces a little.
"Yes... Can we come in please? We'll explain everything...."
Alexander gives him a doubtful smile.
"Alright, but I will warn you right now... She is not going to be happy about it... Come on in and take a seat."
They both walk in before Alexander shuts the door.
"Don't worry, we know... That's why we're here. We want to make amends."
Alexander looks at Sera.
"Alright... But I have just gotten this little lady to sleep for her early evening nap. If any of you wake her, so help me Gods..."
They sit down next to each other on the couch.
"It shouldn't come to that Alex. Just trust me..."
Alexander puts baby Sera into her cradle and strokes her tiny little head lovingly.
"Alright, fine, you may be lucky actually... Eleanora has just had her dose of painkiller, so is a little drowsy, she may be less argumentative..."
Seb sighs.
"Just as long as she's not so doped up that she'll forget whole the conversation, then we're good."
Alexander shrugs.
"I hope so too... Give us a minute..."

Alexander then heads up the stairs to fetch Eleanora. Hadriana can't help but be curious, she walks over to the cradle to look at Sera, she's sees a beautiful little light golden skinned baby with the face of an angel and a thick mop of raven black hair, her long black eyelashes fluttering as she yawns sweetly and drifts off to sleep.
"She is absolutely beautiful, isn't she?"
He smiles at the thought of his little niece.
"Yes, she is... I told you didn't I, that any children of theirs would have Godlike beauty... Oh and she loves her uncle Seb already, you know..."
She just carries on admiring her perfect little face.
"You were most certainly right about that... And she does? At just two weeks old?"
He tries to speak a bit more quietly but is as smug as ever.
"Of course she does... Who wouldn't? It is me after all..."

She rolls her eyes and smiles. He winks at her then pats the couch next to him for her to sit down. She sits just as Eleanora and Alexander come back down the stairs, almost immediately there is a thick atmosphere, it could be cut with a knife as Eleanora doesn't look best pleased.
She almost glares at Alexander as if to say 'Why did you let her in?!' He responds with a pleading look saying 'Just listen to them, please...' when Sera is asleep, they tend to communicate via expressions rather than words, they have it down to an art already. She shrugs, relenting, too tired to argue with him. She sits at the dining table as Alexander takes Sera up to the cradle in her room as a precaution.
"Well, this ought to be good... Why are you here Seb? And more importantly why is she here?"

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