Chapter 15: Wedding plans?

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A month later, the weather is still cold but it's nearing the end of winter and is starting to warm up a bit as they head into spring. Sera is just over four months old now months old and Luis is almost two months old. The two have already interacted, although they're both tiny, they just lay on a blanket on the floor together gurgling and giggling with each other. Seb and Hadriana couldn't be more content than they are now as parents, except perhaps missing out on sleep.

They have discussed with Eleanora and Alexander about having a joint wedding ceremony and it is going ahead in three months time when springtime is at its peak, they are all getting plans into place now.
A joint guest list of mostly family and some close friends, Hadriana has invited her mother and brothers but has heard nothing back yet. Alexander is annoyed at his own mother for still not having visited them and so wrote a letter to her a week ago. He received a response this morning.


My apologies for not having visited you all, it has been a difficult and stressful time for myself and the syndicate. Your Aunt Rhea was injured badly at work and has only just recovered so I have been helping out there.

Rest assured that now everything has settled, I'll be leaving here in a few days time. Expect me within a month or so, depending on the state of the roads there.

Just one thing though, please do not have the wedding before I get there. It is a matter of utmost urgency.

All my love, Mother.

Alexander thinks quietly to himself.
'Well if it is a matter of utmost urgency, why the fuck did she not just get one of her next in command to fill in for uncle Davin while he was taking care of Rhea? Oh well... She will likely have left by now so I suppose I will see her soon.'

He calls over to her.
She was in the kitchen preparing lunch but walks back through.
He gives her the letter to read.
"My mother is finally coming, she'll be here for the month and for the day of the wedding. I was thinking of just giving her this place and we move in with your father for that month, does that sound alright?"
She just shrugs as she takes a bite into an apple. She speaks with her mouth full too though.
"I suppose so, whatever is easiest... Besides it'll be nice to get ready there all together on the day... It's a big fucking house after all..."
He grins at her.
"Hah, it certainly is... How much more do we need to sort out?"
She swallows that bite and takes another.
"Mm, well I spoke to Seb and Hadriana yesterday and they have the food covered, we need to supply the drinks... Aunt Lou and Uncle Az have space in their homes if anyone needs to stay for a few days, plus I'm sure my Pa has a spare few rooms too..."
He has a convenient realisation.
"Wait... Does he not have a guest wing?"
She facepalms herself for forgetting such an essential fact.
"Yes! Damn it... I completely forgot about that... It's never used, so... That would be perfect actually..."

Meanwhile at Seb and Hadriana's house. He's just picked up the post and is looking through it.
"Love? Have you heard anything from your mother yet?"
She shakes her head with a disappointed expression.
"No... I have not... I wonder why?"
He holds up a letter.
"Well there's a letter here for you postmarked from Sadria... It might be from them."
She reaches out for it like an excited child.
"Ooh gimme gimme!"
He giggles at her as she tears into the letter. He then goes to check on Luis. Hadriana reads the letter.

Dearest Hadriana.

We would be absolutely delighted to attend, we'd be there for only the two weeks before and we'd likely leave a couple of days after.

I am looking so looking forward to meeting my little grandson, and my future son in law, especially if he is as wonderful as you describe. Although, it seems that Luis might be my only grandchild ever at the rate your brothers are going.

3: An Unconventional Happy Ending.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ