Chapter 9: She's here.

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It's a week later and Alexander and Eleanora are making final preparations for the arrival of the baby. It's a clear but chilly early winter's evening, Eleanora is lying on the chaise reading a book as there's very little else she feels comfortable doing, as her belly has somehow gotten bigger even in the last week. Alexander walks in the door with a paper bag full of food.
"Good evening, my love."
She puts her book down and smiles at the sight of him.
"Hello sweetheart. Did you manage to get everything?"
He checks the bag again.
"Yes, everything except... That cake you asked for..."
She just shrugs with exhaustion.
"Ugh... It's fine, it's not exactly as if I need it... I'm almost the size of a fucking house as is..."
He grins and makes a joke.
"I now know better than to even respond to that either positively or negatively... I am not getting my head bitten off again..."

She doesn't see it as a joke though and just apologises anyway.
"I appreciate it sweetheart... And I'm sorry I'm almost constantly in a bad mood... It's just, everything is so uncomfortable now, even sleeping is a challenge..."
He keeps teasing.
"Do not worry about it, I understand why... I signed up for this too, which means I will always be here... However shitty your mood is..."
She feigns laughter as she twigs that he's teasing.
"Hilarious... Gods even laughing is uncomfortable... How much more space does she need in there, damn it!?"

She leans down a bit to speak to her belly.
"Do you hear that? Mummy and her internal organs would really appreciate it if you would stop squashing them... Oh and she'd also appreciate it if you would start making an exit soon... Thank you..."
He chuckles and shouts through from the kitchen.
"Hah, would it not be just amazing if that actually worked?"
She sits up, or tries to anyway.
"Only time will tell... I did hear of another way to help induce labour actually and I think you'll like it..."
He walks back through after putting the groceries away.
"Oh? Haven't we already tried everything? There was that disgusting tea, sex obviously did not work as fun as it was and eating spicier foods made no difference either.."
She just sits back, uncomfortable with her resting on her belly.
"I know, in my boredom, I checked again by the way... And according to my timeline... I may have been a couple of weeks out... I worked it out... So her due date could be anything from five days ago and ten days from now... We were at it a lot, so it is hard to pinpoint exactly when she happened..."

He has a dreamy expression on his face.
"Ah yes, fond memories... Which means though that she is either already late or you still have almost two weeks to go... Damn..."
She hangs her head back.
"Yes, I'm hoping it's the former... I want my body back... To not need to piss every half an hour... And to be able to see my feet again..."
He's still leaning against the table.
"Hah, I did not realise just how much I take those things for granted... What was this other method then?"

She pats the seat next to her.
"Oh, it's one that you'll particularly like... Why don't you come here and sit next to me sweetheart?"
He raises a curious eyebrow.
"... Alright..."
He sits down on the chaise and she turns herself around so she's sitting next to him. He puts his arm around her and then starts gently rubbing her belly in a comforting manner as he kisses her cheek.
"So? What is it?"
She looks up at him and is just blunt in coming out with it.
"Well, would you by any chance like a blow?"
He knows what she means but is caught a little off guard.
"... I am sorry, what?"
She sits up again and looks him in the eye.
"Would you like a blow job... Would you like me to suck you off? Play your pipe? So on and so forth..."
He shakes himself but of course he likes the sound of that, it doesn't stop him being cheeky though.
"I mean, yes I always like that... But why now? It is not my birthday for two months yet..."

She doesn't get his joke again, she just thinks he's being obstinate.
"Oh haha, fuck... I didn't realise you were that dense... That's the method I was talking about... Apparently actually ingesting your uh... Emission can help induce labour."
He continues to tease regardless.
"Oh... Right and here I just thought you were being a kind, attentive lover..."

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