Chapter 25: Faces from the past.

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Two weeks later in Kaer Amos, Eleanora is back at work. It is lunch time on an uncommon sunny afternoon, so she decides to look around town on her two hour break between lectures. She has a look at the market place, buys a few things then heads to a little cafe for something to eat and drink, she particularly enjoys her own company as she doesn't get much of it at home. She sits down at an outside table of her favourite cafe, she orders tea, a baked potato with cream cheese and chives and a slice of strawberry cake. As she finishes her food and sips at her tea, she feels eyes on her, she doesn't realise where from until someone walks right up to her. Her eyes widen as she realises who it is.
"Eleanora... Surely not... Is that you?"

She thinks to herself for a moment before answering.

Oh Gods... It's Arlan, he has barely changed in what... Twenty years?'

"Arlan? I can't believe it!"

He smiles at her and she gets up from her chair to embrace him, he hugs her back, just as warmly.
'Gods, he's just as beautiful as he was back then too. It's almost as if he hasn't aged... Not fair...'

He stands about six feet tall, still quite slim and elven built but with toned arms, his soft golden blonde waves almost shimmer like spun gold in the sunlight, it frames his face nicely and his light golden skin appears almost as if it's glowing. He still has his freckles, his beautiful brown and hazel green eyes, he still has a charmingly handsome smile and has a generally inviting, friendly demeanour. He doesn't look thirty eight, more like twenty eight.

"I can't believe it either! What are the chances?"
She is genuinely shocked but equally pleased to see him.
"I'm surprised you still recognise me to be absolutely honest..."

He waves his hands dismissively and dramatically for emphasis.

"Oh rubbish! You haven't changed much at all Eleanora, you're still as beautiful as you were all those years ago... Except perhaps for the grey shadows under your eyes... Kids?"
She laughs sarcastically.
"Oh, haha. Ever the charmer aren't you, Mr. Greypine? But yes, I do have children, two of them... Seriously though, you haven't changed much either Arlan... Have you found the fountain of youth? If so, can you give me directions please?"

 Have you found the fountain of youth? If so, can you give me directions please?"

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He chuckles.

"Hah, no unfortunately I haven't, but thank you, it seems that the years have just been very good to my face for whatever reason... Is it alright if I sit?"
She smiles and gestures to the empty chair facing her.

"Of course, I was getting a bit lonely anyway. How did you honestly know it was me? Because all charm aside, I haven't aged well..."

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