서른 여덟

44 13 12


The Day Of



Luna couldn't control her legs anymore. She didn't know how she had gotten to Grace's room, the journey there from the other side of the ward unremarkable and immediately forgotten. She stood outside, wondering if she was making the right decision. However, all thought was in vain, as all she could hear was the adrenaline coursing through her, and her resolve, as always, set in stone.

The ward, with its dim lights and soft beeps, seemed like a dead zone. However she felt as though all eyes were on her in that moment, as she softly knocked and entered the room.

"Are you sure about this?" Luna was surprised that her voice managed to come out so clearly. She could see that the woman was awake in her bed, eyes set on the ceiling.

"Are you?" Grace barely turned her head to face the young doctor, but the look in her desolate eyes was enough to burn right through to Luna's heart.

The truth was that although she had made up her mind, she knew that this would ruin her. Her entire career gone in a flash, she'd have to turn around and leave everything.

And she wouldn't be allowed to look back.

Yet she knew it was the right thing to do, and she knew that she would do it. If not for Grace or for herself, but for Sara and her brother.

"I know that I'm being selfish Luna, I do. But I also know that you've made up your mind, otherwise you wouldn't be here." A trace of disappointment washed over her face, "And this job my dear, it's killing you without you noticing."

A chocked sob bubbled up Luna's throat, "But it's the only thing I know how to do."

The woman led her shaky hand across the sheets until it met her doctors', her cold fingers encasing the girls warm ones. "Nonsense. That's absolute nonsense. It's time you started living your life." Her lips formed into a smile, "You brilliant girl."

Luna scoffed through the tears, "Well I hear that prison life is certainly nourishing."

Grace shook her head as firmly as she could, "You won't go to prison." 

The young doctor's eyes hung heavy, as she listened to what she thought was the last lie of a dying woman.

After a silence, Grace's fingers twitched over Luna's, her voice smaller than before. "Will it hurt?"

Luna looked to the woman, her body frail and unmoving, her skin unremarkable, her eyes no longer shining like they did when they had met, six months ago. The girls lips formed into a weak smile as she squeezed her friends' hand, whispering gently, "No."

Grace nodded slowly, squeezing her eyes shut as she faced the end. "It's time. Thank you, Doctor Alim."

Luna could hardly control the tears flooding her eyes, the immense weight of sorrow already painfully drenching her heart. But she tried her best, as she always had, for the sake of her patient.

"Thank you, Mrs Adams."


Thoughts? How is everyone feeling? ☹️

This is the main turning point in the story! Here we go...

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