Chapter 23: christmas sex

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Maybe ive just been over reacting to everything? I need to get my old self back.

"Sweetie did you hear me?" Mother asks.

I look to her and say "yes mother i have changed and not for the better. If you could maybe pay Mags to just not bother me anymore maybe that would help." Once i say this i get up and walk out my front door.

I head to jaces and knock. I know its christmas morning and all but he once told me i could talk to him at any time so sucks to suck.

Jace opens it looking stressed out.

"Oh beatie hey, one sec." He gets out before i hear a plate crash.

"What was that?"

He closes his eyes and says "just one second okay?" Before closing the door again.

I hear yelling and then silence.

Then the door opens and its Jaces dad.

"Beatrice! Jace cant come to the door right now because he is grounded!" He then starts to laugh.

I can smell alcohol in his breath. Oh no he started drinking again.

"Dad, go to sleep you need to sleep it off, you will feel like yourself again after." Jace says from behind him.

His dad has a sad look on his face and nods. "Im sorry, i was doing good and i messed it up." He says to jace.

Jace smiles sadly and leads him into the house.

Me being me i just let myself in and close the door behind him.

I take my shoes off because they have this weird thing where thats what you have to do.

Then again maybe my family should do it too, less cleaning.

I mean we can only wear cleaner shoes, no tracking in mud or snow or whatever.

I take off my coat and walk to his kitchen for food.

Yes i just ate, yes im still hungry.

Dont judge me!

I spot fruit loops on the counter to i start to run to them but before i can reach out to them i step on something sharp that makes a jolt of pain go up my leg.

I look down to a floor full of glass from a plate.

Lucky me i just stepped on a chunk.

Ughh of course i dont notice it when theirs fruit loops in front of me! Stupid me and my food obsession.

I bring my foot up to inspect it and the glass stays in.

Blood runs down my foot and my eyes start to water. Im not very good with pain.

I mean even my wrists still make me wince every time i move.

I slowly pull the piece of glass out and then notice a bunch of little tiny ones scattered around my foot.

I sit down on a chair and pull out the tiny pieces, wincing every time.

Stupid glass.

Stupid blood.

Stupid jace for not warning me.

Then again im the one that just walked in so maybe it is my fault.

Eh id rather blame him.

All of a sudden he walks into the doorway. "Look what you did!!" I shout at him.

"Me!? Your the one that didn't notice a big pile of broken glass on the ground!" He argues and comes closer to me to look at my injury.

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