Chapter Fifty Six : The Boy Who Wanted To Kiss

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It was like mum was almost talking to herself. I giggled. "Make whatever you want maa, but go easy. I don't want  digestion problems."

"Hmm, you're right," she said thoughtfully while laying out my clothes on the bed. "Wear a sweater to the reception, it'll get cold . . . Do you really have to go Joy?"

"It's Uncle Desmond's son's wedding! I don't want to miss that and besides, grandpa got the order for the flowers."

"Is Logan going to be with you?"

My cheeks warmed. "Everyone's going to be there maa."

"Be with Logan the entire time and if you feel even a little uneasy or pain, don't wait there. Tell him to bring you home. I'll talk to him too," she said seriously and I knew that she knew we were dating. I wondered what she thought of this, but then again this was my mum. If she didn't trust him, she would have never let him inside our house. Now looking at the gleam in my mum's eyes, I could see that in fact, she wanted us to be together. "When's his college starting?"

"It's going to start in a week maa, he's super pumped up. He says he's going to work for the credits really hard so he could go to the uni after this," I said proudly and mum smiled, taking the curtains in her arms and exiting my room. He wouldn't be able to see me as much as he did now, but that was alright. He said that he was going to work night shift at some restaurant where his middle school friend worked. He was leaving his office job and in the evening, he would be in the flower shop which worked for us since grandpa always let Logan spend more time with me even though it was followed by a string of curses.

* * *

Autumn wedding. I always thought it was foolish to get married in autumn when one could get married a month earlier with the sun shining over them like a magnificent crown. But I was wrong- sooooo wrong.

The enormous ground covered with rich carpets and plain white coloured cloth roof where the celebration was going to take place was filled with splashes of orange, red, yellow and hint of gold and bronze everywhere which made it look breathtaking. The decorations looked effortless with red dahlias, daisies, maple leaves and even the pumpkins added an aesthetic charm! There were tall candles lit on the table which made the crystal clear silver cutlery glitter. There were golden fairy lights hung and the place was ignited with warm energy and brightness- only the dance area was dim.

The bridesmaids still in their cream coloured blouse and skirts gushed to each other, their face glowing under the lights. There was a mild scent of sandalwood which wafted in the air. Little girls in frilly frocks ran around the delightfully pretty tables, their dress billowing after them and their satin bows untying. A leaf fell and got crushed under the worn out sneakers  of a smart looking man- my man.

"You could have cleaned your shoes," I mused as I stepped closer to Logan, our faces inches apart. I adjusted the collar of his crispy white dress shirt. He chuckled softly and I felt his chest rumble against my own. "Do you like autumn Logan?"

"Yeah. There's something morbidly beautiful about half dead leaves." His eyes flashed to me. "You look gorgeous Joy."

"Really? I look like a half dead leaf," I quipped, smoothening my pastel yellow midi skirt. I had worn a delicate white top with pearl dotted round neckline, but that was covered by my thick green jumper. I did resemble a half dead leaf, at least I felt like one. "Perhaps one day on a cold winter day like a half dead leaf, I would become one with the air again."


"Oh my soul will never fall, it'll only fly higher and higher and I don't make sense at all!" I said like a mad woman and grabbed his hand. "Come let's dance!"

A Little Bit Of Joy | ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang